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Patricia A. Gentile

Clinical Assistant Professor, Professional Program Director

Occupational Therapy


Educator, Clinician

Patricia A. Gentile, OTR/L, DPS is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy and the Director for the MS and Entry-Level OTD Programs. She earned a Doctor of Professional Studies in Occupational Therapy from NYU and a Master's Degree in Health Administration from Hunter College. Dr. Gentile is a graduate of the Occupational Therapy Program at SUNY Downstate Medical Center. 

Along with many years of clinical experience in adult rehabilitation, Dr. Gentile has extensive experience in home health and hospital administration. Prior to coming to NYU, she served as Administrator for the Department of Surgery and the Level 1 Trauma Center at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center. While Administrator, she became interested in traumatic injury prevention and has subsequently presented at conferences on the role of occupational therapy in this area. She has co-authored articles on traumatic falls in the older adult population and OT/OTA intra-professionalism.

Dr. Gentile has been a frequent presenter at state and national conferences on a variety of subjects, including, occupational therapy educational strategies, leadership and administration.  Dr. Gentile was recognized in 2022 by the NYS OT Association for her contributions and dedication to the OT profession; was awarded the Steinhardt  GSO Award in 2020, and in 2011 was listed as a Distinguished CUNY Alumnus.

Dr. Gentile’s current interests include health care leadership, health advocacy, and the impact of social determinants on health and occupation.

Research Gate Profile: is external)

Selected Publications


  • Gentile, P., Mills, M., & Howe, T. (2023). Intraprofessional conversations begin in the classroom: An exploratory study of an occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant joint slass. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 11(4), 1-12. is external)
  • Chippendale, T., Gentile, P. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to accepting long term care at home: An analysis of licensed home care service agency websites.  Home Health Care Management and Practice, 1-5. is external)
  • James, M.K., Robitsek, J.R., Syed, M.S., Gentile, P.A., Ramos, M., Perez, F. (2018). Clinical and non-clinical factors that predict discharge disposition after a fall. Injury 49(5) is external)
  • James, M., Saghir, M., Victor, M., Gentile, P.A. (2017). Characterization of fall patients: Does age matter? Journal of Safety Research. is external)
  • Chippendale, T., Gentile, P. A. and James, M. K. (2017). Characteristics and consequences of falls among older adult trauma patients: Considerations for injury prevention programs. Aust Occup Ther J. DOI: 10.1111/1440-1630.12380(link is external)
  • Chippendale, T., Gentile, P. A., James, M. K., and Melnic, G. (2017) Indoor and outdoor falls among older adult trauma patients: A comparison of patient characteristics, associated factors and outcomes. Geriatric Gerontology International, 17: 905–912. is external)
  • Gentile, P. A. (2017). Occupational therapy in the perioperative surgical home. OT Practice, 1 (7), p. 22-24.
  • Gentile, P. A. (accepted) Documentation of occupational therapy services. In D. Powers- Foltz Gillette & S. Gutman (Eds.) Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction (9th Ed.).  Wolters Kluwer
  • Gentile, P. A. (2023). Supervision of Occupational Therapy Practice. In G. Gillen & C. Brown (eds.). Willard and Spackman's Occupational Therapy (14th Ed). Wolters Kulwer. 
  • Gentile, P. A. (2020) Documentation of occupational therapy services. In D. Powers- Foltz Gillette & S. Gutman (Eds.) Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction (8th Ed.).  Wolters Kluwer
  • Youngstrom, M. J. & Gentile, P. A. (2018). Supervision. In B. Schell & G. Gillen (Eds.) Willard & Spackman's Occupational Therapy (13th Ed.). Wolters Kluwer 


Occupational Therapy

NYU Steinhardt’s occupational therapy program educates both aspiring OTs and credentialed professionals looking to further develop their practices.

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Foundations of Occupational Therapy

This course orients students to the profession of occupational therapy & its historical & philosophical development. The course examines activities & occupations in the contest in which humans engage & participate in them. Tools of practice, service delivery models, practice settings, & current issues that influence the profession are also examined. Concepts in this foundational course are taught via lecture, discussion, field experiences & lab practica.
Course #
OT-GE 2701
Occupational Therapy

Health Advocacy and Administration

Overview of the health care delivery system and ethical, organizational, economic, and political issues influencing delivery of care which affect occupational therapy practice; includes ethics, advocacy, quality assurance, personnel relations, program development, and management of all aspects of occupational therapy services.
Course #
OT-GE 2750
Occupational Therapy

Introduction to Professional Portfolio

This is the first in a four-course sequence in which students create, assess and refine their portfolios. Portfolios are web-based and include performance observations, case studies, peer ratings, specialty certification, documentation of professional activities, publications, and presentation summaries. At the end of the program, students present their portfolio to a panel of faculty members. The portfolio must document how the student integrated knowledge and skills learned in the curriculum to his or her specialty practice area.
Course #
OT-GE 3310
Occupational Therapy

Leadership in Occupational Therapy

This course explores occupational therapy leadership in complex and diverse health
care environments and integrates leadership theory with practice through topical readings,discussion, and guest presentations. Leadership theory, leadership competencies and the identification of emerging leadership opportunities and the development of a personal leadership philosophy and skills will be emphasized throughout the course.
Course #
OT-GE 2038
Occupational Therapy

Professional Portfolio Defense

This is the fourth in a four-course sequence in which students create, assess and refine their portfolios. Portfolios are web-based and include performance observations, case studies, peer ratings, specialty certification, documentation of professional activities, publications, and presentation summaries. At the end of the program, students present their portfolio to a panel of faculty members. The portfolio must document how the student integrated knowledge and skills learned in the curriculum to his or her specialty practice area.
Course #
OT-GE 3313
0 - 1
Occupational Therapy

Professional Portfolio II

This is the second in a four-course sequence in which students create, assess and refine their portfolios. Portfolios are web-based and include performance observations, case studies, peer ratings, specialty certification, documentation of professional activities, publications, and presentation summaries. At the end of the program, students present their portfolio to a panel of faculty members. The portfolio must document how the student integrated knowledge and skills learned in the curriculum to his or her specialty practice area.
Course #
OT-GE 3311
Occupational Therapy

Theoretical Bases for the Scope of Practice

Provides foundation knowledge underlying occupational therapy practice for the formulation and use of conceptual practice frameworks. The course focuses on the theories supporting current and emerging areas of occupational therapy practice.
Course #
OT-GE 2030
Occupational Therapy

Theoretical Foundations for Intervention

How theoretical information is formulated, refined, tested, and assessed relative to its suitability for use in sets of guidelines for occupational therapy practice.
Course #
OT-GE 2762
Occupational Therapy