Mary Kalazan, EdS., LPC
Mary Kalazan is a Licensed Professional Counselor and High School Counselor currently working in a private high school in northern New Jersey. She has been working with a student population since 1991 and as a high school counselor since 2008.
Professor Kalazan's primary role as School Counselor is to provide emotional and behavioral support to her student clients. Most of her clients have emotional concerns, behavioral concerns, learning disabilities and/or ADHD. She also specializes in treating clients with Aspergers Syndrome, PDD, and other Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Her responsibilities also include designing behavior modification plans, providing consultation to teachers, parents, staff and administrators, and facilitating counseling groups.
Professor Kalazan also has experience treating/supporting victims of sexual assault, working as a counselor in a sexual assault center in New Jersey.
Professor Kalazan received her Bachelor of Science degree (Education) from Montclair State University; Master of Arts (School Counseling) from Seton Hall University; and Educational Specialist in Mental Health degree also from Seton Hall University.
Professor Kalazan has been an adjunct faculty member with Seton Hall University since 2013 and with NYU Steinhardt since 2017.
Courses: Practicum, Internship I, II, III