Elizabeth Addoms, PT, MA - Pioneer in physical therapy education and head of the program at New York University from 1946-1970
Mark Archambault, PT, PhD - Clinician, researcher, pioneer in physical therapy management of golf injuries and owner of BACKtoGOLF Performance and Fitness
Daiva A. Banaitis, PT, PhD - Professor Emerita at Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR
Ingrid Bartenieff, PT - Dancer, choreographer, Labanotation expert, pioneer in the development of dance therapy, cross-cultural researcher, founder of the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies in New York, and developer of the Bartenieff Fundamentalism approach to body re-education
Robert Bartlett, PT - Past-president of the American Physical Therapy Association, Past-president of the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research, recipient of the Mary McMillan Lecture Award, and former academic program director at Duke University
Mitchell Batavia, PT, PhD - NYU faculty and author in areas of practical wheelchair prescriptions, clinical research education and evidence-based physical therapy interventions
Arnold Bell, PT, PhD - Served the US Olympic Committee Sports Medicine Center as a physical therapist, professor Florida A & M, and first African American certified in Sports Physical Therapy
Raymond Blakely, PT, PhD - Dean at University of Maryland Eastern Shore, College of Health Sciences, and innovator in program development for serving rural health needs
Mary Eleanor Brown, PT - Faculty member at NYU teaching in the areas of therapeutic exercise and massage in the 1940's
Edith Buckwald-Lawton-Atkins - Pioneer in activities of daily living at Rusk Institute and author of the first and landmark book in this area
Kevin Chui, PT, DPT, PhD, GCS, OCS, FAAOMPT - Director at Pacific University, clinician, and researcher in geriatric and orthopedic physical therapy
Rhea Cohn, PT, DPT - Associate director of the reimbursement department staff at the American Physical Therapy Association and specializes in managed care issues
Cristiana Kahl Collins, PT, MA, NCS - Director, Dept of Physical Therapy, Hunter College
Theodore Corbitt, PT - Pioneer master clinician, author of one of the first textbooks on hydrotherapy, educator in the area of connective tissue massage, and the first African-American marathon runner in Olympic history
Mary Pat Corrigan Jobes, PT, MA - President of APTA's Acute Care Section and administrative director of rehabilitation services at Methodist North Hospital in Memphis, TN
Ellen Costello, PT, PhD - Assistant professor of physical therapy at George Washington University and recipient of the Dana Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award, The National Multiple Sclerosis Society New York Chapter Award, and a number of Research Awards from the American Physical Therapy Association
Russell J. Davis, DPA, MAPT - Co-founder and president of Summit Health Institute for Research and Education (SHIRE) and Capitol City C.O.R.F., Inc, organizations focused on eliminating health status disparities among racial and ethnic groups, spearheaded the creation of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the College of Allied Health Professions at Howard University Health Center
Tara Denham, PT - Pioneer clinician, educator and researcher in vestibular rehabilitation at Rusk Institute
William DeTurk, PT, PhD - Faculty at Stony Brook and author in the cardiovascular/pulmonary rehabilitation area
Judith Deutsch, PT, PhD - Full professor and funded researcher at the University of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey and editor of the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
Beverly Devine, PT - Master clinician in management of patients with spinal cord lesions and former Associate Director of Physical Therapy at Rusk Institute
Robert Donatelli, PT, PhD - Certified sports physical therapist, author, coordinator and physical therapist for the over 35 tennis tour treating Conners, McEnroe, Borg, Gomez, and Leconte, and physical therapist for the AT&T Challenge
Joan Edelstein, PT, MA - Former director of physical therapy at Columbia University and world-renowned author, practitioner, and lecturer in prosthetics and orthotics
Susan Edmond, PT‚ DSc‚ OCS - Faculty at the University of Medicine and Dentistry in Newark, NJ
Chukuka Enwemeka, PT, PhD - Outstanding researcher, member of National Advisory Board on Medical Rehabilitation Research of NIH, former director of physical therapy at the University of Kansas, editor of Journal of the World Association of Laser Therapy, former Provost at San Diego State University, and now a faculty member at San Diego State University
Samuel Esterson, PT, DSc, MBA - Clinician, author of Starting and Managing Your Own Physical Therapy Practice, MBA from Bar Ilan University in Israel
Susan Feldman Pollack, PT, PhD - Author, lecturer, and researcher in functional electrical stimulation for patients with spinal cord lesions at Mt. Sinai Hospital
Chris Fischetti, PT - Assistant athletic trainer for the NFL's Buffalo Bills since 2001
Susan Garritan, PT, PhD, CCS - Faculty at NYU Medical School, Rusk Institute, and NYU Physical Therapy Department, pioneer clinician, educator, researcher and author in cardiopulmonary physical therapy, now retired.
James Giebfried, PT, MA, EDT, CP - Former director in Massachusetts American Cancer Society, member of Board of Trustees for Caritas Christi Health Care System, received Harvard University's President's Award for Life Time Service in Public Health and Ford Foundation's Future Scientist of America Award for cancer research, and currently with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Anita Greenhaus, PT - Outstanding clinician and developer of unique Orthobocize patient exercise program
Rita Hamburgh, PT, MA - Senior director of rehabilitation therapies at NY Presbyterian Hospital and co-author in areas of electronic forms in health care
Awilda Haskins, PT, EdD - Faculty at Florida International University, leader in cultural diversity issues and recruitment and retention of minority students in physical therapy
Richard M. Herman, MD - Medical director of the Samaritan Rehabilitation Institute (SRI), director of the SRI's Clinical Neurobiology and Bioengineering Research Laboratories, research professor in the Departments of Bioengineering and Kinesiology at Arizona State University, Tempe, and in the Department of Pharmacology at the Health Sciences Center of the University of Arizona, Tucson
Jack Hofkosh, PT - Former director of physical therapy at Rusk Institute, and lecturer and author in physical therapy administration and management
Thomas Holland, PT, PhD - Faculty at Hunter College of CCNY, author in area of physical agents and electrotherapy
Ellen Horowitz, PT, MS - Early pioneer clinician, author, and lecturer in hand therapy and hand practice owner in New York City
Dorothea Hudert, PT - Devoted sister in the Maryknoll order, practitioner in mission practices in Africa, pioneer in holistic health care, now practicing with patients with AIDS in Namibia
Michael Huylebroeck, PT - Former Captain United States Public Health Service practicing on the Native American reservations and lecturer on neuronal conduction and EMG
Louis Iannuzzi, PT, Cped - Faculty at New York University, recently retired (with the rank of Captain) from the United States Public Health Service, expert clinician in wound care and Hansen's disease
Richard Johnson, PT, MA - Former Associate Dean for Graduate Studies at SUNY Stony Brook's School of Health Technology and Management, chairperson of both SUNY Stony Brook's Division of Rehabilitation Sciences and Department of Physical Therapy, now Associate Professor and Chairperson of Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Gannon Univerity in Florida
Victoria Kasserman, PT - Bilingual (Spanish and English) practice owner with her husband treating orthopedic and neurological patients, specializing in hand rehabilitation, burn injuries, myofascial techniques, vestibular training, women's health, and pediatrics
Joanne Katz, PT, PhD - Director of physical therapy and faculty at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, author and researcher in the areas of physical agents and pediatrics, and manuscript reviewer for Pediatric Physical Therapy
Gary Krasilovsky, PT, PhD - Director of physical therapy at Hunter College CCNY, author in the area of physical agents
Dimitrios Kostopoulos, PT, PhD - Practitioner, author, and video producer in areas of trigger point and myofascial therapy and owner of Hands-On Physical Therapy
David Krebs, PT, PhD - Internationally renown author and researcher, former professor at Massachusetts General Hospital, former director of MGH Biomotion Laboratory, clinical appointments at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and recipient of Helen Hislop Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Literature, Marian Williams Award for Research in Physical Therapy, Golden Pen Award for Distinguished Scientific Writing
Penny Kroll, PT, PhD - Department head at Louisiana State University Health Science Center, former director of physical therapy at Thomas Jefferson University, editor, researcher in areas of orthopedic/musculoskeletal practice
Terry "Tito" Landrum - Former professional baseball player with the St. Louis Cardinals, Los Angeles Dodgers, Baltimore Orioles, and Texas Rangers
Elizabeth Latham, PT - Pioneer female private practitioner, mother of three daughters, all of whom are physical therapists
Julian and Ruth Levy, PT - Met when members of the class of 1949, Julian is doing research in progressive resistive exercise for persons over 70 years of age, and Ruth is teaching home health aids and consulting with home health care agencies
Wen Ling, PT, PhD - Physical Therapy Department Chair at New York University, pediatric clinician, author, researcher with Department of Defense-US Army assessing women's load-carrying ability using the Modular Lightweight Load Carriage Equipment, state and national involvement with cultural competence
Tara Losquadro-Liddle - Co-author of Why Motor Skills Matter: Improve Your Child's Physical Development to Enhance Learning and Self-Esteem (McGraw-Hill, 2003), a text that explains the impact motor skills have on the neurodevelopment of a child, helping parents participate more fully in their child's development.
Dorcas Madzivire, PT, MA - Educator and practitioner in Zimbabwe, served as Vice-president of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy
Jeffrey Mannheimer, PT, PhD - Pioneer practitioner, educator, and author in the field of bioelectronics and in particular TENS and pain management
Alma Merians, PT, PhD - Director of physical therapy at University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, researcher in the movement analysis laboratory of Rutgers University assessing virtual reality and stroke management, and author and lecturer in the area of acquisition of motor skills
Peter J. Miller, PT, PhD - Faculty at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, PA
Mary Moffroid, PT, PhD - Pioneer researcher in the area of isokinetic exercise, former faculty member at the University of Vermont, author, and clinician
Marilyn Moffat, PT, PhD, FAPTA, CSCS - Nationally and internationally renown faculty member at New York University, former President of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), current President of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, practitioner, author, lecturer, consultant, and researcher, recipient of numerous awards including the Mary McMillan Lecturer Award and had two awards named after her: APTA Marilyn Moffat Leadership Award and the New York Physical Therapy Association's Distinguished Service Award
Mary Jane Myslinski, PT, EdD - Faculty member at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, researcher in the areas of cardiovascular/pulmonary fitness, author, member of the Board of Trustees of the Mid Jersey Multiple Sclerosis Society, and volunteer for APTA activities
Arthur J. Nelson, PT, PhD - Former director of physical therapy at New York University, former faculty at CUNY Staten Island, pioneer researcher in quantification of human gait, outstanding lecturer in EMG practice for physical therapists, author, award recipient
Roger Nelson, PT, PhD - Faculty and former director of physical therapy at Lebanon Valley College and former director at Thomas Jefferson University, practitioner with the US Public Health Service, research physical therapist for National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, lecturer, author, and consultant with Expert Clinical Benchmarks
Thomas P. Nolan, Jr., PT, MS, OCS - Faculty at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, expert in orthopaedic physical therapy, electrotherapy, occupational health and ergonomics, and peripheral nerve injuries
Reuven Ofir (Robbie) P.T., PhD. CFTT. - Certified Feldenkrais teacher/trainer. Formerly P.T. Supervisor at NYU Howard Rusk IRM. Assistant and acting director: two-year project research and rehabilitation of traumatically head injured Israeli veterans - Tel Aviv, Sponsored by NYU and Department of Rehab. Israeli armed forces, Government. of Israel. International Trainer in the Feldenkrais Method®.
Edward Pisarski, PT, EdD - Former director of physical therapy at Des Moines University, researcher in areas of teaching/learning dynamics and service learning, lecturer, grant recipient from the Learn and Serve America program and from Blue Cross/Blue Shield, award recipient, and involved in APTA activities
Margaret Plack, PT, EdD - Director of physical therapy at George Washington University, former director at Tuoro College, pediatric practitioner, lecturer, course director APTA Clinical Instructor Credentialling
Marilys Randolph, PT, PhD - Director of physical therapy at Hampton University and former director at Howard University, researcher in the areas of effects of aerobic training on assessment of daily activity and community living tasks in individuals with sub-acute stroke and assessment of health disparity in the treatment of minority elderly individuals with diabetes, lecturer, author, and involved in APTA activities
Carol Recker-Hughes, PT, MA - Faculty and director of clinical education at SUNY Upstate Medical University's College of Health Professions
Vincent George Rhoden, PT - 1952 Olympic gold medalist for Jamaica in the 400m Men and the 4x400 Relay Men races
Colleen Rose-St Prix, PT, PhD, MHSA - Faculty at Florida International University's College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Jules Rothstein, PT, PhD - Former director of physical therapy at the University of Illinois at Chicago, former editor of Physical Therapy, former researcher at Washington University, Medical College of Virginia, and University of Illinois at Chicago, author of numerous articles, books, and chapters in books, national and international lecturer, and recipient of numerous awards including the Mary McMillan Lecture Award
Serge Roy, PT, PhD - Research associate professor in the Neuromuscular Research Center of Boston University, research in the areas of electrophysiological basis of muscle fatigue and injury, author of numerous articles, books, and chapters in books, elected Fellow to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, involved with the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, and recipient of awards from NASA
Sandra Rusnak-Smith, PT, DHSc, OCS - Co-editor of Musculoskeletal Essentials: Applying the Preferred Physical Therapist Practice Patterns (SM) with Dr. Marilyn Moffat, adjunct faculty at Hunter College, Touro College, Downstate, and Long Island University, partner in Queens Physical Therapy Associates in Forest Hills, NY
David Saidoff, PT - Pediatric practitioner specializing in the treatment of newborn children with developmental disabilities, author of The Healthy Body Handbook: A Total Guide to the Prevention and Treatment of Sports Injuries and Critical Pathways in Therapeutic Intervention: Extremity and Spine, and lecturer
Michael Saunders, PT, ATC - Legendary former head athletic trainer for the New York Knicks (27 years), named NBA Athletic Trainer of the Year by the National Basketball Trainers Association in 1994 and 2005, founder of Saunders Physical Therapy and Sports Performance Center in Pomona, NY
Jacob Schleichkorn, PT, PhD - Former faculty member at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, former director of physical therapy at SUNY at Stony Brook, former Executive Director of United Cerebral Palsy in New York, author, historian, editor, award recipient from APTA and NDT
Thomas Schmitz, PT, PhD - Co-author with Susan Sullivan of Physical Rehabilitation, faculty at Long Island University, co-author of Physical Rehabilitation Laboratory Manual: Focus on Function Training, lecturer, and award recipient
Elaine Becker Sher, PT, DPT, MA, PCS - Faculty at New York University, board-certified specialist in pediatric physical therapy, national trainer for credentialing clinical instructors for APTA, clinical practice in the treatment of children with developmental disabilities, former founder and director of the MA program in Developmental Disabilities at NYU, lecturer, workshop presenter, and award recipient
Sue Ann Sisto, PT, PhD - Former Director of the Human Performance and Movement Analysis Laboratory at Kessler Medical and Research Corporation, author, clinician, and researcher in the areas of chronic fatigue, constraint-induced therapy, virtual reality in stroke management, and mechanical efficiency of gait in prosthetics and orthotics, now Chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Buffalo
Martha Sliwinski, PT, PhD - Faculty member at Columbia University, national trainer for credentialing clinical instructors for APTA, clinical education, author, and researcher in the areas of falls and dynamic balance
William Susman, PT, PhD - Dean at Springfield College and former director of physical therapy at Long Island University (Brooklyn), on NYS Board for Physical Therapy, co-author in areas of therapeutic communication and movement analysis, and lecturer in movement analysis and physical therapy practice and education
Toshiaki Tanaka, PT, PhD - Faculty member at the University of Tokyo and the first Japanese physical therapist to be hired by the University as a researcher; research areas include assistive and rehabilitation engineering, ergonomics, and kinesiology
Alycea Ungaro, PT - Author of three books on Pilates (Pilates: Body in Motion, The Pilates Promise, and Everyday Pilates) that have been bestsellers on six continents and in 17 languages, featured trainer on IAmplify.com and Podfitness.com, advisory board member of Fitness Magazine, regular contributor to Pilates Style magazine
Kevin C. Weaver, PT, DPT, OCS, CEA, CIE - NYU faculty, founder and President of Employee Wellness Solutions, a consulting firm providing public and private organizations and corporations with occupational health and wellness solutions, Board Certified Ergonomist
Joseph Weisberg, PT, PhD - Dean of Touro College's School of Health Sciences, author of 3 Minutes to a Pain-Free Life
Philip J. Witt, PT, PhD - Faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, expert in chronic spinal pain. musculoskeletal manifestations of diabetes, and the effects of exercise on blood glucose control
Toni A. Zuccaro, PT, MA, NCS - Faculty at SUNY Downstate Medical Center teaching prosthetics & orthotics, pulmonary rehabilitation, physical examination and vestibular rehabilitation