Dr. Teboho Moja is a Clinical Professor of Higher Education at New York University, an Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape - South Africa, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. She was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Education by the University of Pretoria. She is the recipient of the Martin Luther King, jr. Faculty Award (2019), the National Research Foundation- Lifetime Achiever Award (2019), Women in International Education Award (2019), and Graduate Students Star Award (2019).
She previously served as an Executive Director and Commissioner of the National Commission on Higher Education in South Africa (1995), appointed by President Mandela. The Commission produced a national report that provided a framework for higher education reform in South Africa. She has published extensively on higher education policy, presented numerous keynote addresses at international conferences on higher education issues. Before coming to NYU, Teboho Moja served as a Special Advisor to the Minister of Education.
Teboho Moja has served on numerous committees, advisory boards and boards of international bodies such as UNESCO and Councils of Universities in South Africa. She has served as Chair on various Boards. In 2010 she was appointed visiting professor at the University of Oslo (Norway) and University of Tampere (Finland), and in 2017 she was a visiting professor at the University of Hong Kong.
Selected Publications
- Moja, T (2020): Unpacking the Rhetorical Equity for Development – Is equity achievable in an unequal society? In Ndulo M.B and Assie-Lumumba, N. T. (eds.). Education and Development: Outcomes for equality and governance in Africa. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Moja, Teboho (2020): Higher Education and Development in Africa. In Varghese N.V and Bandyopadhyay, Madhumita (eds.). Democracy, Education and Development: Equity and Inclusion. NIEPA/SHIPRA, India
- Jaumont, Fabrice and Teboho Moja (2020): Towards a Philanthropic Model for Francophone Africa’s Universities. NORRAG Special Issue No 04. New Philanthropy and the Disruption of Global Education. Geneva, Switzerland.
- Jaumont, Fabrice and Moja, Teboho (2019): Collaboration in development between U.S. foundations and African Universities. In Natasha Ridge and Arushi Terway (eds.) Philanthropy in Education: Diverse Perspectives and Global Trends. Edward Elgar Publishing, UK/USA.
- Cloete, N, et. al (2017): Rankings in Africa – Interesting, Irritating or Irrelevant? In Hazelkorn, E. (ed.): Global Rankings and the Geo-Politics of Higher Education Routledge, Taylor and Francis.
- Moja, Teboho (2016). Policy Analysis. In Stage, F.K., & Manning, K.M. (ed.): Research in the College Context: Approaches and methods. New York: Bruner Routledge.
- Cloete, N. and Moja, T. (2016): International collaboration, exchange and partnership: Netherlands,Norway and South Africa. In Cloete, N., Goedegebuure, L.,Gornitzka, A.,Jongblut, J., and Stensaker, B. (eds.) (2016): Pathways through Higher Education Research: A festschrift in honour of Peter Maassen. Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway.
- Moja, Teboho (2016): Access to Education as Redress for Victims in South Africa. In Ramírez-Barat, C and Duthie, R. (eds.): Transitional Justice and Education - Learning Peace. Colombia University Press, New York.