Meet Dr. Jonet Artis, Alisha Brown Gandhi, and Dr. Stacey Rimikis and learn more about their research interests and perspectives on speech-language pathology.
On Equity and Early Intervention: An Interview with New Faculty Member Jonet Artis
Jonet Artis, assistant professor and Dean’s Faculty Fellow in the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, is a speech-language pathologist whose research interests include early intervention for children diagnosed with autism.
On Clinical Practice: An Interview with New Faculty Member Alisha Brown Gandhi
Alisha Brown Gandhi, a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, shares insights from her clinical practice.
On Research and Clinical Practice: An Interview with New Faculty Member Stacey Rimikis
Stacey Rimikis, a new clinical assistant professor in the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, discusses her research and how clinicians adapt their practice in the time of COVID-19.