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Project on Multifaith College and University Leadership

Project on Multifaith College and University Leadership is a three-part initiative devoted to educating and inspiring religious and spiritual leaders to utilize multifaith dialogue and service as a source for positive social change on college and university campuses. This project is generously supported by a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation(link is external).

White Papers

The Rise and Fall of 1960 University Chaplaincy: William Sloane Coffin, Jr., "Heroic" White Guys, and the Disestablishment of Public Religion in America

Historian Warren Goldstein and Reverend Donna Schaper portray Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Jr.’s work as a college chaplain and the changes that characterized chaplaincy in the decades since. Goldstein presents a biographical view of Coffin and his work as a chaplain at Yale College from 1958–1975.  Schaper reflects on national trends and firsthand experience to outline the major shifts that have impacted college chaplains since Coffin’s tenure.

Campus Prophets, Spiritual Guides, or Interfaith Traffic Directors? The Many Lives of College and University Chaplains

Religious Studies professor John Schmalzbauer examines the role that chaplains play on twenty-first-century campuses. Schmalzbauer showcases how today’s diverse body of chaplains perform a variety of roles, particularly in comparison to their forebears from the 1950s and 1960s. Drawing on surveys and interviews from the National Study of Campus Ministries, Schmalzbauer offers insights into how contemporary chaplains approach their work.

Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Want to investigate urgent social trends? Explore our degree offerings in education studies, international education, applied statistics, policy, and sociology.

Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Become a leader, multimedia specialist, researcher, teaching faculty, and trainer for schools, colleges, nonprofit agencies, and business settings.