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Advanced Certificate
Digital Media Design for Learning
Post-Master’s Study

Not Accepting Applications

To best meet the needs of our students, we have decided to suspend enrollment in the Digital Media Design for Learning advanced certificate program. We encourage you to explore our MA in Digital Media Design for Learning or our PhD in Educational Communication and Technology.

This exciting post-master's advanced certificate is perfect for people on a career path requiring new or advanced skills in the design and production, evaluation, and use of technology-based, multimedia learning environments. Typical applicants have a master's degree in educational technology or media and wish to update or deepen their skills or wish to add educational design skills to their professional practice.


Degree Details

Official Degree Title

Advanced Certificate in Digital Media Design for Learning

Full-time or Part-time

In this advanced certificate, our experienced faculty will help you add to your existing knowledge and provide you with the skills to:

  • Create, use, and evaluate media and technology for learning across varied contexts – K–12 schools, universities, workplaces, museums, nonprofits, and international development.
  • Critically analyze historical developments, theoretical shifts, and broad trends in practice in the field of educational technology, focusing especially on challenges and opportunities afforded by changes in media and technology landscapes and educational trends.
  • Produce prototypes, support design thinking and instructional design processes, and produce media in traditional and emerging media.
  • Apply principles of design and practice that hold greatest promise for enriching learning experiences across the spectrum.

Core Courses and Electives

You will study media design principles and theoretical perspectives drawn from the cognitive sciences, the learning sciences, developmental models of learning, constructivist and constructionist philosophies of learning, and social learning theories. You will be exposed to the design of computer-based, multimedia simulations and games for learning, dramatic and documentary narratives, media that support advocacy and advance social justice, the educational potential of social media, educational data mining, learning analytics, and educational applications of media and technology for international development.

Flexible Study

The curriculum offers flexibility in creating a program of study that you and your adviser can tailor to fit your professional goals and interests. You can choose to study full-time or part-time.

Prepare for a career as a:

  • Designer or producer in educational software companies designing and producing technology-based learning
  • Consultant to schools and school districts at all levels, as academic technology coordinators or professional development specialists in the integration of technology in curriculum and instruction
  • Faculty member or other leadership role in a college/university setting in areas such as: instructional design and technology, faculty teaching and learning support services, academic innovation, or online/e-learning course development.
  • Director or instructional designer in learning and development departments within corporate settings
  • Interactive exhibit designer or website developer for cultural institutions such as visual arts and children's museums, science centers and museums, and historical and international societies.
  • Designer or producer in media production company or organization, designing and producing educational programming, interactive digital games, simulations, and narrative fiction.

Program Benefits for International Students

If you’re an international student, you may be able to work in the United States after graduation for an extended period of time. Most students studying on F-1 visas will be eligible for 12 months of Optional Practical Training (OPT) off-campus work authorization. F-1 students in our program may also be eligible for the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) OPT extension, allowing you to extend your time in the United States to pursue degree-related work experience for a total of 36 months or 3 years. For more information on who can apply for this extension visit NYU’s Office of Global Services: STEM OPT.