Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications
The 30-credit MAT in Teaching Social Studies (Initial Certification) equips you with the tools and training to teach social studies in urban settings serving diverse student populations. Designed to help you transform how teenagers engage with and care about their own learning, the program empowers you with a holistic approach to education, innovation, and exploration as well as in-depth content knowledge in history and social studies.
This program is open to participants who have a bachelor’s degree but who are not yet certified to teach.
Core Course Sequence
You’ll take pedagogical core courses in inquiries in teaching and learning, adolescent learners in urban contexts, and issues in special education policy. You’ll participate in workshops in world language education, a specialized social studies content core exploring key debates in world and United States history, and two semesters of mentored student teaching. The program culminates with a master’s seminar in social studies designed to guide students through social studies curriculum, pedagogical theories and goals, and educational and assessment strategies.