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Ana Ramírez Rojas

MA in Human Development Research and Policy Student

Name: Ana Ramírez Rojas

Preferred Email:

Hometown: Buenos Aires, Argentina

BA institution and degree: Law, Torcuato Di Tella University

MA institution and degree: N/A

Research Interests: 

I'm interested in further understanding the development processes of children, adolescents, women and LGTBQI+ communities so that they can be trully involved in the processes of social and urban integration of urban slums and informal settlements.

Career Goals: 

I would like to continue growing as a researcher or policy consultant either independently, or within think tanks, research centers or nonprofits that understand and prioritize human development.

Why HDRP? 

I chose the HDRP MA because I wanted to improve my understanding in qualitative and quantitative research methods in a mixed way. Additionally, I also wanted to be part of a program that gave me the chance to apply what I learnt in real-world settings.