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The BS in Communicative Sciences and Disorders is a 128-credit interdisciplinary major that combines linguistics, psychology, and physiology to provide students with the foundations to explore normal communication processes and the nature of communication disorders. You’ll integrate liberal arts coursework and scientific theory with hands-on practice in communicative sciences and disorders. The degree is highly flexible, allowing you to complete other areas of study through minors, to complete pre-med coursework, to study abroad, or to pursue research if you choose.

In addition to this general Communicative Sciences and Disorders track, the department offers a co-major with Global Public Health.

Liberal Arts Courses and Unrestricted Electives

Students majoring in Communicative Sciences and Disorders take a broad range of liberal arts courses, including basic sciences, foreign language, and humanities. These courses provide a foundational academic experience of general education in the liberal arts for undergraduates at NYU and are designed to give you the skills and breadth of intellectual perspective to flourish later in your careers.  The major also includes many elective credits, allowing you to pursue minors or have a chance to explore other areas of study.

Specialization Sequences

The major courses in the degree will provide you with the foundational knowledge in anatomy and physiology, speech, language, hearing, and swallowing. In addition to specified, required major courses, you will select additional credits from a wide range of options, allowing you to tailor your degree to fit your interests. Common electives include courses in research, clinical methods, psychology, global public health, and child and adolescent mental health.

Course Planning

Each student works with their advisor to plan their courses, including what to take for electives, whether to study abroad, and whether to complete an honors thesis.

Expository Writing Program and the Writing Center

NYU’s required writing courses are designed to prepare students for the work they will do in all of their academic courses. These writing courses are foundational and essential; they prepare students for rigorous thinking, elegant writing, and supple imagining.

In order to meet and exceed the rigor of academic writing, NYU provides assistance through the Writing Center. The Writing Center is a place where any NYU student can get help with his or her writing. The center, a part of NYU's Expository Writing Program in the College of Arts and Science, is a place where one-on-one teaching and learning occur, as students work closely with professional consultants at every stage of the writing process and on any piece of writing except for exams.

For more information and to schedule an appointment, please refer to the Expository Writing Program page.


Foreign Language Placement Exam

Entering undergraduate students take foreign language proficiency examinations administered by the College of Arts and Science prior to their first registration. The results of these examinations do not exempt students from taking these courses but assist in determining the appropriate level of courses in these areas.

The placement examinations are required of undergraduate students who will register for any language with which they have prior experience (studied in high school, college, or study abroad programs or who are bilingual or multilingual).