The undergraduate minor in Communicative Sciences and Disorders is designed to introduce non-CSD majors to the field. This highly flexible degree helps you develop an understanding of normal communication processes and the nature of communication disorders across the lifespan.

Degree Details
Official Degree Title
This minor enables you to complete some foundational prerequisite courses required for graduate degrees in speech pathology and provides an excellent foundation for pursuing degrees in medical or allied health professions, education, and behavioral sciences.
At the completion of the minor, students will have:
- Gained familiarity with normal speech, language, and hearing processes
- Developed a basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanism
- Become familiar with the disorders that affect the ability to communicate across the lifespan
- Been introduced to the impact of speech, language, and hearing disorders on communication processes across the lifespan
How to Declare
Students wishing to declare a minor must meet with one of our academic advisors to enroll in restricted courses and discuss course selection.
Students wishing to apply for a cross-school minor (a minor in any school of NYU other than Steinhardt) may do so from the "My Academics" section of the Student Center in Albert.
Note: Please consult with an adviser from your department or school before meeting with the adviser from our program.
If you have any additional questions about our degree, please feel free to contact Susannah Levi at svlevi@nyu.edu or your advisor at csd-ug@nyu.edu.

Communicative Sciences and Disorders
665 Broadway, 9th floor
New York, NY 10012
Phone: 212-998-5230