Larry Miller (Clinical Professor; Director, Music Business Program at NYU Steinhardt) and Natalia Nastaskin (Chief Content Officer, Primary Wave Publishing LLC)
All applicants must complete New York University’s Application for Undergraduate Admissions in addition to the Music Business supplemental application package. Please note that Music Business only admits freshmen and transfers for the Fall term.
Shortly after you submit the Common Application you will receive a personalized link to the Artistic Review Portal to submit your materials. We recommend that you submit your Common Application one month prior to the posted admissions deadlines to ensure a smooth submission process of all required materials.
Application to the Steinhardt Music Business undergraduate degree includes a required supplemental application package. No performance audition is required. All applicants must demonstrate music potential, as the degree is a bachelor of music in Music Business. It is not necessary to be a performer to be admitted to the Music Business program, but upon graduation, you will have gained significant music skills. Please do not send letters of recommendation or other supplementary materials.
Supplemental Package Deadlines
November 1, 2024: Early Decision I
January 1, 2025: Early Decision II,
January 5, 2025: Regular Decision
March 1, 2025: Internal NYU transfers (including change of major within Steinhardt)
March 15, 2025: External transfers
The Music Business supplemental application package consists of four components: a cover letter, resume, short video, and two essays. Your cover letter, resume, and essays should be in PDF format
PART 1: Cover Sheet
Freshman Applicants
No cover letter is necessary for Freshman applicants.
Transfer Applicants
Complete a cover letter with the following information uploaded as a PDF or Word Document:
- Your name and the name of the college or university you are attending and your academic major
- The number of university semesters you have completed
- The reason you want to leave your current institution and enroll in the NYU Music Business program
PART 2: Resume
Create a one-page resume that shows your school, any work/internship/volunteer positions you’ve had, and any musical/extracurricular activities you are involved in.
PART 3: Music Skills Video
Record one short video with the components noted below. The current Music Business curriculum leads to a Bachelor of Music degree and requires significant coursework in music theory, aural skills, and keyboarding. The video helps the Music Business faculty assess your ability to carry a tune and stay on pitch; the faculty do not use it to evaluate your vocal quality, and you do not have to worry about any special lighting or production qualities. It is not necessary to be a performer to be admitted to the Music Business program. Please make sure all components are submitted in one singular video.
Components for the video:
- Sing a cappella (without accompaniment of any kind) a one-octave major scale, ascending and descending, in any key.
- Sing a cappella (without accompaniment of any kind) one verse and one chorus of Judy Garland’s "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".
- Sing a cappella (without accompaniment of any kind) a verse and a chorus of any existing song you’d like. The song must have a melody that you can sing, must already be recorded by another artist, and may not be spoken word.
PART 4: Essays
Write two essays:
Essay topic 1 (350 words minimum, 400 words maximum): Below is a typical course list for your first year as a Music Business student at NYU. This first-year foundations curriculum will prepare you for success in the rest of your time at NYU. Please write about ways you foresee that these foundation courses will connect with each other and with the future music industry. In your answer, consider career areas that you are specifically interested in.
Course list Course Area Number of Courses Music Theory and Aural (Listening) Skills 2 Algebra and Calculus or Calculus I (Liberal Arts) 1 or 2 Keyboard Training 2 Business Structure of the Music Industry + Music Business 2 Writing the Essay (Liberal Arts) 2 Private music lesson or music technology class 1 Economics (Liberal Arts) 1 or 2 - Essay topic 2 (350 words minimum, 400 words maximum): It is estimated that 100,000 new songs are added to music streaming platforms every single day -- which can make music discovery both exciting and challenging. Curated playlists on streaming platforms, social media virality, traditional media, and radio are just a sampling of the platforms highlighting new music and artists every day. Drawing on your own preferred methods for discovering new music, research and write an essay outlining the pros and cons of at least two music discovery avenues of your choice, and contrast the processes and practices between discovering a new song versus finding a new artist that you find effective.
OPTIONAL: Music Performance Video
As we know our applicants may be musically talented in other areas, we offer the chance for our students to further highlight their musical abilities by submitting one additional optional video to your applicant portal, to which you will receive access after you submit the Common Application. Please note this is an optional aspect of the application and is not a requirement to be considered for the program.