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The Global Curriculum The Internationalization of Higher Education in the United States.

This course examines historical and contemporary issues surrounding the internationalization of higher education in the United States, focusing on how the production of knowledge about international issues changes according to transformations in global political, economic, social, and cultural contexts. The course first establishes a theoretical foundation in issues related to the production of knowledge, national interests, universities, and globalization and education and then turns to the history of university internationalization in the U.S. Readings and discussion will trace the early “borrowing” of educational models from Europe, the historical development of the U.S. research university, the establishment of area studies centers after World War II, the explosion of student interest in study abroad, and the increasing establishment of satellite campuses and university partnerships in places such as the Persian Gulf and Singapore.

Course #
INTE-GE 2811
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities