Tracy Chippendale is an occupational therapist whose clinical background and research interests are in geriatrics. Her research in the Department of Occupational Therapy focuses on interventions that enable older adults to “Age in Place,” including non-pharmacological interventions for depressive symptoms, interventions to increase the healthcare workforce in geriatrics, and outdoor falls prevention. Her research has been published in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, and The Gerontologist. She received her PhD in occupational therapy from NYU in 2011 and before joining the faculty at Steinhardt, held a position as assistant professor in the department of occupational therapy at Tufts University.
Selected Publications
- Chippendale, T. (2020) Falls prevention strategy use and neighborhood walkability among naturally occurring retirement community residents. Health Education & Behavior, Early online. doi: 10.1177/1090198120980358
- Chippendale, T. (2020). Flexibility: Another piece of the puzzle for healthy aging? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, Early online. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2019.10.006
- Chippendale, T., Bhojwani, S., Conley, M., Dela Cruz, F., DiPietro, L. Kasser, D….Takamatsu, A. (2019). Falls Experiences and Prevention Preferences of Adults in Mid-life. Journal of Community Health, Early online.
- Chippendale, T. (2019). Feasibility of the Stroll Safe outdoor fall prevention program. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73, 1-9.
- Chippendale, T & Lee C.-D. (2018). Characteristics and falls experiences of older adults with and without fear of falling outdoors. Aging & Mental Health, 22(6), 849-855.
- Chippendale, T. (2018). Predicting use of outdoor fall prevention strategies: Considerations for prevention practices. Journal of Applied Gerontology, Early online
- Boltz, M., Lee, K. H., Chippendale, T. & Trotta, R. L. (2018). Pre-admission functional decline in hospitalized persons with Dementia: The influence of family caregiver factors. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Early online.
- Chippendale, T. & Boltz, M. (2015). The neighborhood environment: Perceived fall risk, resources and strategies for fall prevention. The Gerontologist, 55, 575-583.