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Laura Dahl

Laura Dahl

Visiting Professor of Higher Education and Higher Education and Student Affairs Program Coordinator

Administration, Leadership, and Technology

Laura S. Dahl, Ph.D. (she/her) is a visiting assistant professor of education at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Dr. Dahl’s research broadly uses quantitative methods to critically examine how collegiate environments can influence prosocial outcomes such as sense of belonging, self-authored worldview commitment, career outcome expectations, appreciative attitudes toward diverse others, and integrative learning. She currently leads the Assessment of Collegiate Residential Environments and Outcomes (ACREO) project and is co-PI on a study funded by the National Association of Campus Activities focused on examining college student organization new member hazing experiences. Dr. Dahl is also a research consultant for the Interfaith, Spiritual, Religious, and Secular (INSPIRES) Campus Climate Index and the Including Faculty on Religious, Spiritual, and Secular Mattering (InFORM) projects.

Prior to joining NYU, Dr. Dahl was an assistant professor of education at North Dakota State University. She also worked as the research director of the College Impact Laboratory at The Ohio State University. Before earning her doctorate in 2019, she worked at Rutgers University’s Douglass Residential College as the Director for Research Programs and Advising for Undergraduate Women in STEM.


BS, Applied Mathematics, 2009
Georgia Institute of Technology

MEd, College Student Affairs Administration, 2011
University of Georgia

PhD, Higher Education and Student Affairs, 2019
The Ohio State University

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