Marygrace Berberian, a licensed and registered Art Therapist and licensed clinical social worker, is the Director of the Graduate Art Therapy Program. She has been actively involved in the Graduate Art Therapy Program as a Faculty Member, Internship Coordinator and Program Coordinator for over 20 years.
Marygrace has invested most of her career in establishing community based art therapy programs in New York City. Marygrace is the Director of NYU Art Therapy in the Schools program, overseeing the established of school-based art therapy intervention in public schools in New York State. She works with teachers and parents to support young people through creative intervention as her clinical work has focused on children, adolescents, and community wide crisis recovery. Marygrace has more recently focused on the rehabilitative benefits of community-based art therapy for adults struggling with degenerative diseases and was awarded the Rawley Silver Research Award by the American Art Therapy Association. She is on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Art Therapy, Canadian Journal of Art Therapy, and the Executive Board of the American Art Therapy Association. She has authored several chapters and peer reviewed journal articles as well as a co-edited book, Art Therapy Practices for Resilient Youth: A Strengths-Based Approach to At-Promise Children and Adolescents, published in 2020.
Selected Publications
Cucca, A., Di Rocco, A.., Acosta, I., Berberian, M., Bertish, H., Inglese, I., Mania D., Quartarone, A., Rizzo, J., Tatti, E., Carrara, F., Feigin, A., & Ghilardi, M. (2021). Enhancement of visuospatial function underlies motor improvement following art therapy in PD [abstract]. Movement Disorders, 36 (suppl 1). https://www.mdsabstracts.org/abstract/enhancement-of-visuospatial-function-underlies-motor-improvement-following-art-therapy-in-pd/.
Cucca, A., Di Rocco, A., Acosta, I., Beheshti, M., Berberian, M., Bertisch, H. C., Droby, A., Ettinger, T., Hudson, T. E., Inglese, M., Jung, Y. J., Mania, D. F., Quartarone, A., Rizzo, J. R., Sharma, K., Feigin, A., Biagioni, M. C., & Ghilardi, M. F. (2021). Art therapy for Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & related disorders, 84, 148–154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.parkreldis.2021.01.013
Cucca, A., Mania, D., Sharma, K., Acosta, I., Berberian, M., Beheshti, M., Biagioni, M., Droby, A., Di Rocco, A., Ghilardi. M.F.., Inglese, M., Rizzo, J.R., & Feigin, A. (2020). Neural correlates of visuospatial dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease: A multimodal biomarker study, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 79(1), e40, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.parkreldis.2020.06.163.
Kaimal, G., Walker, M. S., Herres, J., Berberian, M., & DeGraba, T. J. (2020). Examining Associations Between Montage Painting Imagery and Symptoms of Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Among Active-Duty Military Service Members. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/aca0000316
Berberian, M. & Davis, B. (2020). Art therapy practices for resilient youth. NY: Routledge.
Berberian, M. (2020). Creative problem solving. In M. Berberian & B. Davis (Eds.) Art therapy practices for resilient youth (pp. 13-32). NY: Routledge.
Berberian, M. (2020). School-based art therapy. In In M. Berberian & B. Davis (Eds.) Art therapy practices for resilient youth (pp. 425-466). NY: Routledge.
Berberian, M. (2020). Introduction. In M. Berberian & B. Davis (Eds.) Art therapy practices for resilient youth (pp. 1-12). NY: Routledge.
Kaimal, G., Walker, M. S., Herres, J., Berberian, M., & DeGraba, T. J. (2020). Examining Associations Between Montage Painting Imagery and Symptoms of Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Among Active-Duty Military Service Members. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/aca0000316
Kaimal, G., Carroll-Haskins, K., Berberian, M., Dougherty, A., Carlton, N., & Ramakrishnan, A. (2019). Virtual Reality in Art Therapy: A Pilot Qualitative Study of the Novel Medium and Implications for Practice. Art Therapy, 37(1), 16-24. doi:10.1080/07421656.2019.1659662
Cucca, A., Acosta, I., Berberian, M., Lemen, A., Rizzo, J, Ghilardi,M, Quartarone, A., Feigin., A., Di Rocco, A., & Biagioni, M. (2018). Visuospatial exploration and art therapy intervention in patients with Parkinson's disease: an exploratory therapeutic protocol. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 40, 70-76. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.07.011.
Berberian, M., Walker, M.S., & Kaimal, G. (2018). ‘Master My Demons’: art therapy montage paintings by active-duty military service members with traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress. Medical Humanities, 0, 1-8. doi: 10.1136/medhum-2018-011493
Berberian, M. (2017). Standing Tall: Students showcase resiliency through body tracings. Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal, 30(2), 88-93.
Berberian, M. (2015). Art Therapy with Chinese American Children in New York City. In Brooke, S.L., & Myers, C.E. (Eds.). Therapists creating a cultural tapestry: Using the creative therapies across cultures (pp. 25 -56). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishers.
Berberian, M. (2006). Hopeful visions: The faces of children. In Teachers College Press (Eds.) Forever After: New York City Teachers on 9/11 (pp.73-84). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Berberian, M., Lausell Bryant, L., & Landsberg, G. (2003). Interventions with communities affected by mass violence. In S. L. Ashenberg Straussner & N.K. Phillips (Eds.), Understanding mass violence: A social work perspective (pp. 105-115). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon Press.
Berberian, M. (2003). Communal rebuilding after destruction: The World Trade Center Children’s Mural Project. Psychoanalytic Social Work, 10(1), 27-41.
Berberian, M. (2002). The World Trade Center Children’s Mural Project. Pasesetter, 20, 8-9.
Levy, B.A., Berberian, M., Brigmon, L., Gonzalez, S. N., & Koepfer, S. (2002). Mobilizing community strength: NY art therapists respond. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 19(3): 106-114.