Dr. Marilyn Moffat is a Full Professor of Physical Therapy in the Department at New York University, where she directs both the professional doctoral program (DPT) and the post-professional graduate master's degree program in pathokinesiology. Dr. Marilyn Moffat, a recognized leader in the United States and internationally, is a practitioner, a teacher, a consultant, a leader, and an author. She received her baccalaureate degree from Queens College and her physical therapy certificate and PhD degree from New York University. She has been in private practice for forty years and currently practices in the New York area.
Dr. Moffat completed a six-year term as the President of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) in 1997. Prior to that she had served on the APTA Board of Directors for six years and also as President of the New York Physical Therapy Association for four years. During her term as President of the APTA she played a major role in the development of the Association's Guide to Physical Therapist Practice and was project editor of the Second Edition of the Guide. Dr. Moffat is immediate Past-president of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, and she coordinated the efforts to develop international guidelines for physical therapist educational programs and standards of physical therapy practice around the world. She has given over 800 professional presentations throughout her practice lifetime, and she has taught and provided consultation services in many areas around the globe.
She established the APTA Section on Geriatric’s Certification Program for Physical Therapists as Exercise Experts for Aging Adults and served as its first co-chair for four years.
Dr. Moffat completed a 4-book series known as the Musculoskeletal Essentials, Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Essentials, Neuromuscular Essentials, and Integumentary Essentials for physical therapy clinicians and students.
She is a Geriatric Clinical Specialist, a Certified Strength Conditioning Specialist, a Certified Exercise Expert for Aging Adults, and a certified BoneFit Professional. She is also certified in Basic (BLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and in Emergency Preparedness (ARC).
Dr. Moffat has received numerous national and international awards and has had 3 awards named after her – the Marilyn Moffat Leadership Award of the American Physical Therapy Association, the Dr. Marilyn Moffat Distinguished Service Award of the New York Physical Therapy Association, and the Marilyn Moffat Service Award of the North America/Caribbean Region World Confederation for Physical Therapy. She is a Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association, presented the Mary McMillan Lecture, and is a recipient of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy’s Mildred Elson Award.
Selected Publications
- Lubetzky AV, Soroka A, Harel D, Errico T, Bendo J, Leitner J, Shabat S, Ashkenazi E, Floman Y, Moffat M, Masharawi Y. Static and dynamic balance in adults undergoing lumbar spine surgery: Screening and prediction of post-surgical outcomes. J Am Assoc Ortho Surg (accepted).
- Phanpho C, Rao S, Moffat M. Immediate effect of visual, auditory and combined feedback on foot strike pattern. Gait & Posture. (Accepted)
- Sheikh A, Moffat M. Effects of mirror feedback on postural control in dancers with ankle instability. (In process of submission).
- Alotaibi H, Moffat M. Effect of balance training using different compliant surfaces on performance of One Leg Stance Test and Star Excursion Balance Test. Int J Phys Med Rehabil. 2019;7(4):520-9.
- Dean E, Skinner M, Myezwa H, Mkumbuzi V, Mostert-Wentzel K, Parra D, Shirley D, Söderlund A, Dornelas de Andrade, A, Abaraogu UO, Bruno S, Clark D, Gylfadottir S, Jones A, Veluswamy SK, Lomi C, Moffat M, Morris D, Stensdotter AK, Wong WP, Global Health Working Group. Health competency standards in physical therapist practice. Phys Ther. 2019:June 12 doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzz087
- Bahrawi GT, Bakhutma MA, Moffat M. 200-meter fast walk test normative data for young healthy individuals. Conference Proceedings 18th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Physical Therapy at Cairo University, 2017.
- Dean E, Bruno S, Olsén MF, Umerah G, Moffat M. “Best” inter-professional practice in healthcare: Bridging the knowledge translation gap in relation to non-communicable diseases. Int J Health, Welllness, & Society. 2015;5(4):121-131.
- Pozzi F, Moffat M, Gutierrez GM. Neuromuscular control during performance of a dynamic balance task in subjects with and without ankle instability. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2015;10(4):520-529.
- Dean E, Moffat M, Skinner M, et al. Toward core inter-professional health promotion competencies to address the non-communicable diseases and their risk factors through knowledge translation: Curriculum content assessment. BMC Public Health. 2014;14:717.
- Bury T, Moffat M. Physiotherapists have a vital part to play in combatting the burden of noncommunicable diseases. Physiother. 2014;100:94-96.
- Hakim EW, Moffat M, Becker E, et al. Application of educational theory and evidence in support of an integrated model of clinical education. J Phys Ther Edu. 2014;28(Supplement1):13-21.
- Schmid S, Moffat M, Gutierrez GM. Effects of cooling on ground reaction forces, knee kinematics and jump height in drop jumps. Athl Training Sports Health Care. 2013;5(1):29-37.
- Moffat M. Physical therapy and the world confederation for physical therapy: physical therapists as integral members of the rehabilitation team. Proceedings the 7th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Beijing China, 2013.
- Moffat M. Physical therapist interventions for aging adults. Proceedings the 7th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Beijing China, 2013.
- Moffat M, Hegenscheidt S, Ng S, et al. Evidence-based exercise prescription: raising the standard of delivery. Int Musculoskel Med. Available online: 31 January 2012DOI: 10.1179/1753615411Y.
- Moffat M. A history of physical therapy education around the world. J Phys Ther Educ. 2012;26(1):13-23.
- Moffat M. Therapy, Physical. In: Gellman M, Turner JR (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. Springer: New York, 2012.
- Moffat M (ed). Neuromuscular Essentials: Applying the Preferred Physical Therapist Practice Patterns.Thorofare NJ: Slack Incorporated, Korean Translation, 2011.
- Moffat M. West meets east in China. Physiotherapy in Motion, Austral Physiother Assn. 2011; March:223-25.
- Moffat M, Becker E, Robertiello G, Pasklinsky N, Latimer B. Building mutual appreciation: physical therapy and nursing students learning together through interprofessional collaborative simulation scenarios. Poster Presentation at the New York Physical Therapy Association Conference – Saratoga NY, October 18, 2019.
- Sheikh A, Moffat M. An analysis of sway area and sway velocity of a dancer's postural control. Platform Presentation at the Performing Arts Medicine Association International Symposium – Los Angeles CA, June 30, 2019.
- Gravano TN, Anderson DM, Watts L, Moffat M. A comparison study of the career paths of physical therapy program directors in the United States. Poster Presentation at the APTA Education Leadership Conference – Jacksonville FL, October 12-14, 2018.
- Sheikh A, Moffat M. An analysis of postural control of dancers during visual feedback from a mirror. Platform Presentation at the MusicPhysio Congress – Osnabrueck, Germany, September 6-8, 2018.
- Lubetzky A, Masharawi Y, Soroka A, Errico TJ, Bendo JA, Shabat S, Ashkenazi E, Fluman Y, Harel D, Moffat M. A sensitive, comprehensive and quick assessment for patients undergoing lumbar spine surgery. Platform Presentation at the New York Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference - Troy NY, October 20, 2017.
- Sheikh A, Moffat M. Effects of mirror feedback on postural control in dancers with ankle instability. Poster Presentation at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress - Cape Town, South Africa, July 2, 2017.
- Phanpho C, Rao S, Moffat M. Immediate effect of visual and auditory feedback on foot strike pattern in recreational runners. Poster Presentation at 2017 Asia/Western Pacific Region WCPT Meeting, Bangkok Thailand, June 27-30, 2017.
- Bahrawi GT, Bakhutma MA, Moffat M. 200-meter fast walk test normative data for young healthy individuals. Poster Presentation at the 18th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Physical Therapy at Cairo University, Cairo Egypt, March 17-18, 2017.
- Lubetzky A, Masharawi Y, Harel D, Burr, J, Errico T, Moffat M. Body functions, activity limitations and participation restrictions in patients with chronic low back pain who choose to undergo lumbar spine surgery. Poster Presentation at the Combined Sections Meeting APTA – San Antonio, TX – February 15-18, 2017.
- Bury TJ, Skinner M, Moffat, et al. Survey of access to physical therapist entry level education and practice for people with disabilities. Platform Presentation at 2015 Congress Meeting of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Singapore, May 2015.
- Sykes CR, Skinner M, Moffat M. Physical therapy counts: counting physical therapists worldwide. Platform Presentation at 2015 Congress Meeting of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Singapore, May 2015.
- Bury T, Audette JG, Skinner M, Moffat M, et al. Survey of access to physical therapist entry-level education and practice for people with disabilities. Platform Presentation at 2015 Congress Meeting of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Singapore, May 2015.
- Dean E, Moffat M, Bruno S, et al. Towards best practice and addressing the ultimate knowledge translation gap in relation to non-communicable diseases: One health profession’s experience. Platform Presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society, Vancouver, Canada, March 14-15, 2014.
- Schmid S, Moffat M, Gutierrez GM. Effect of knee joint cooling on the electromyographic activity and ground reaction forces of lower extremity muscles during a plyometric exercise. Poster Presented at the Swiss Physiotherapy Congress, Basel, Switzerland, May 10-11, 2012.
- Pozzi F, Gutierrez GM, Moffat M. Biomechanical and EMG analysis of toe and heel landing during stepping down in ongoing gait. Poster Presented at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago IL, February 9-11, 2012.
- Pozzi F, Gutierrez GM, Moffat M. Neuromuscular control in subjects with and without ankle instability during performance of a dynamic balance task. Podium presentation at the 23rd Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB); Brussels, Belgium, July 2011.
- Schmid S, Moffat M, Gutierrez GM. Effect of knee joint cooling on the electromyographic activity of lower extremity muscles during a plyometric exercise. Poster Presented at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress, Amsterdam The Netherlands, June 20-23, 2011.
- Ling WK, Moffat M, Batavia M. Influence of a specialized curriculum on the career choices of a doctor of physical therapy program graduates. Poster Presented at Annual Conference and Exposition American Physical Therapy Association, National Harbor MD, June 8-11, 2011.
- Pozzi F, Gutierrez GM, Moffat M. Biomechanical analysis of stepping down in continuous gait following ankle evertor fatigue: a pilot study. Poster Presented at Annual Meeting American Society of Biomechanics, Providence RI, August 18-21, 2010.
- Moffat M. 10 Moves to Prevent Knee, Hip & Joint Pain. Bottom Line Health. 2019:
- Moffat M. The Parkinson’s Rx: A Strong Dose of Exercise. Bottom Line Health. 2018:13-14
- Moffat M. How to Exercise Despite Pain. Bottom Line Personal. 2018;39(18):7-8.
- Moffat M. Article analysis “Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2015”. Impact. 2015;(9):63-67.
- Moffat M. Dra. Marylin Moffat. Fisioterapia en Revista. 2013;1(3):6-9.
- Moffat M. WCPT: the world of physical therapy. GeriNotes. 2012;19:7-11.
- Good Posture Matters Even More Than You Think – Elemental Medium https://elemental.medium.com/good-posture-matters-even-more-than-you-th…, 2019.
- The Healthcare Education Transformation Podcast – Exercise in DPT Education/ACAPT Exercise Physiology Task Force Insight – October 20, 2019.
- Muscle Loss in Aging Can Be Reversed - NY Times - Jane Brody’s column Personal Health Science Section. September 4, 2018.
- Preventing Falls Through Exercise - LinkWell (For Health Insurance Websites) – December 6, 2017
- 7 Winter Workout Tips to Keep You Motivated – LinkWell (For Health Insurance Websites) – November 28, 2017
- The Best Exercise Ball. The Wirecutter/The Sweethome – NY Times, August 31, 2017
- Did You Know: Exercise May Help Slow Down Parkinson’s Disease. Care.com, February 10, 2017
- Exercise Can Be a Boon to People With Parkinson’s Disease. NY Times - Jane Brody’s column Personal Health Science Section. January 23, 2017.
- 8 Killer Arm Workouts You Can Do Virtually Anywhere. Business Insider-Science, May, 2016.
- 13 Exercises to Keep Your Legs Strong at Any Age. Business Insider-Science, April, 2016.
- The 12 Best Everyday Stretches to Keep You Flexible and Fit. Business Insider-Science, March 2016.
- How to Fall Safely. Bottom Line/Health, May 2015.
- 10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Dangerous Falls. Bottom Line Publications/Health, October 2014.
- Improve Balance & Prevent Falls. Leader-Herald, Gloversville NY, April 21, 2014.
- Improve Balance & Prevent Falls. Nathan Littauer Blog, April 2014.
- Holiday Fitness. AARP Blog, December 2013.
- Sore No More: A Stretch for Every Achy Muscle in Your Body. iVillage-Health, September 12, 2013.
- 9 Natural Tips to Maintain Bone Density. Delicious Living Magazine, September 3, 2013
- Feel Your Best at Any Age. Prevention, August 2013
- Easy At Home Exercises. AARP Blog, May 2013.
- Be Healthy in 20 Years: Balancing Act: Test Your Balance and Learn How to Improve It Here. More Magazine, May 2012.
- 7 Easy, Feel Good Moves. Prevention Magazine, 2011.
- For Tendon Pain, Think Beyond the Needle. NY Times - Jane Brody’s column Personal Health Science Section. March 1, 2011.
- Improve Your Posture With Exercise, Shoes. Kim Painter – USA Today September 23, 2010.
- Aging Frames: Baby Boomers Visit PTs with Musculoskeletal Conditions. Today in PT. September 6, 2010.
- Active Duty. Toronto Star - Loxley T. June 19, 2010.
- 100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimer's and Age-Related Memory Loss. Jean Carper: Little Brown, 2010.