Program: PhD in Psychology and Social Intervention
Year entered Program: 2024
Research Interests: Adolescent criminal legal system contact, identity and social exclusion, youth violence prevention, resource scarcity
Principal Advisor(s): Dr. Erin Godfrey, Dr. Rezarta Bilali
Research Description/Bio: Jarrell E. Daniels is a doctoral student and NSF Graduate Research Fellow in the Psychology and Social Intervention program in Applied Psychology at NYU Steinhardt. His research focuses on (1) understanding the ecology of adolescent contact and involvement with the criminal legal system and (2) addressing youth violence through evidence-based interventions and community-government collaboration. Jarrell examines the complex interplay between identity, social exclusion and legal system contact during adolescent development. By exploring individual, community and societal factors that contribute to youth incarceration and violence, he aims to develop and implement interventions that support vulnerable adolescents in their transitions to adulthood. His current research projects include evaluating the effectiveness of the Project Restore intervention program, studying positive pathways out of street membership and the impact of resource scarcity on adolescent behavior, while assessing the role of government-community partnerships in preventing youth incarceration and violence.