What year did you graduate? 2021
What was your program of study? Psychology and Social Intervention
Dissertation Title: The Power and Potential of Supportive Relationships: Patterns, Predictors, and Outcomes in a National Sample of Early Adolescents
Who was your primary mentor during your program? Dr. Elise Cappella
Undergraduate College/University: Stanford University
Undergraduate Major/Degree: Human Biology, BA
Masters College/University: University of Pennsylvania
Masters Program/Degree: Urban Education, MSEd
What was the most influential part of your experience in your program? All of the people. I've learned so much from the entire PSI community (faculty, staff, students, and alumni) whether formally in mentoring and class contexts or informally via quick chats. Although as individuals, we have different focus areas, we share a common commitment to social change - learning about how people studied this in real-world settings was inspiring.
What was your first job after you graduated?
Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California, Berkeley - Center for Prevention Research in Social Welfare