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Tamara Sewell

Clinical Assistant Professor; Program Director Inclusive Childhood NYU Teacher Residency

Teaching and Learning

Tamara Sewell is passionate about collaborative, responsive, and iterative teacher preparation program design. She studies special education teacher preparation practices in early childhood through secondary education. She has served as a special education teacher, program director, IFSP/IEP service coordinator,  teacher educator, and mentor.  Her scholarship is focused on program design and ethical and meaningful standards of practice. 

Selected Publications

Babb-Guera, A., Pignatosi, F., Sewell, T., Schlesinger, S. & Turk, D. (Accepted 2023, December).Advocacy, Mentorship, Evaluation: Preparing Equity-Centered Teachers and Transforming School Communities - The NYU Teacher Residency. Presented at the Critical Turn in Teacher Residency Convening, Georgia State University College of Law, Park Place Northeast, Atlanta, GA.

Caldwell, S., Sewell, T., & Wiedower, T.  (2022, November).  A team of teams; Iterative instructional design in a learner-centered online urban teacher residency. Presented at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Accelerate Conference, Orlando, FL.

Appel, M, Gulati, G., Pina, F., Sewell, T., & Shih, R. (2022, March). Careers in Education Virtual Panel. Invited as part of the First Generational Harvard Alumni’s (FGHA) Career Series. 

NYU TR Identity Statement Subcommittee (2021).  NYU Teacher Residency Identity Statement: Who We Are and How We Operate.  In NYU Steinhardt’s NYU Teacher Residency Resident Teachers Handbook 2021-2022 (pp. 6-7).  Retrieved from 

Sewell, T. (2021). Teacher Mentor Competencies & Expectations [Webinar].  Retrieved from 

Grossberg, E. & Sewell, T. (2021). Teacher Residency National Teacher Mentor Training:  The observation cycle [Webinar]. Retrieved from 

NYU Teacher Residency. (March 2022). NYU Teacher Residency Module 8. Module 8 Canvas pages. 

NYU Teacher Residency. (September 17, 2021). How the NYU Teacher Residency evolves each year. NYU Teacher Residency Blog. 

Rosenkrantz, H. (2021). Special education: Can it be reshaped to fulfill its original promise? CQ Researcher, Vol. 31 (21). 

NYU Teacher Residency. (March 17, 2021). The need for educators, diversity, and international preparation in special education. NYU Teacher Residency Blog. 

NYU Teacher Residency. (September 23, 2020). NYU Teacher Residency Alumni Profile: Finding Your Authentic Self in Teaching. NYU Teacher Residency Blog. 

NYU Teacher Residency. (February 11, 2020). How residency directors support aspiring teachers. NYU Teacher Residency Blog. 

Sewell, T. (2012).  Are we adequately preparing teachers to partner with families?  Early Childhood Education Journal. 40(5), 259-262. 


Special Education

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