Dr. Marguerite Lukes' works at the intersection of research, policy and practice in the field of immigration. For more than 25 years, she has focused on improving public schools and community-based programs serving migrant and refugee children, youth and adults. She is Director of Research and Innovation at Internationals Network for Public Schools, the only US-based national network of public schools designing innovative educational programs for immigrant youth. Marguerite has been a classroom teacher, program director, curriculum developer, evaluator, university faculty member, and researcher. Marguerite has taught at the community college and university level in both public and private institutions (University of California, City University of New York, University of Bremen, New York University). She is a board member of CREA (Centro de Recursos Educativos para Adultos in East Harlem) and works directly with NGOs to promote educational equity for migrants and refugees and is on the Board of Trustees of the Center for Applied Linguistics. Her applied research focuses on educational pathways of migrant youth and the intersections of race, language and migration. She served on the advisory board of an internationals research project led by University of Bremen in partnership with the German National Teachers' Union and German Ministry for Education to explore policy innovations on transnational student mobility. She regularly leads courses for German pre-service teachers at the University of Bremen. Marguerite on the Board of Trustees of the Center for Applied Linguistics and the advisory board of the European Union Project CIRCE and is also a member of the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), the American Educational Research Association, the Bard University Language, Culture and Justice Hub. Marguerite submits editorial reviews regularly for Bilingual Research Journal and Urban Education. Her scholarship and research on second language learning, literacy, and the education of immigrant populations has appeared in International Multilingual Research Journal TESOL Quarterly, Journal of Latinos and Education, Urban Education, Teachers College Record, and Rethinking Schools. She speaks Spanish, German, Italian and English.
Selected Publications
- Lukes (2024). Language, Power, Identity and Schooling. Language, Culture and Justice Spotlight. Bard College: Language, Culture and Justice Hub. https://lcjh.bard.edu/
- Lukes, M., Sammis, S., Morgan, D. (2024). Project-Based Learning Beyond the Classroom: Immigrant Youth Success After Graduation Learning Brief 3: NYC: Internationals Network for Public Schools.
- Lukes, M., Morgan, D., Sammis, S. (2024). Cultivating Project-Based Learning Alongside Language Development in Schools: How is it done? NYC: Internationals Network for Public Schools.
- Lukes, M. Morgan, D. Sammis, S. (2024). All Learners All the Time: Project-Based Learning and Equity In the Internationals Network. Learning Brief: New York, NY: Internationals Network for Public Schools.
- Lukes, M., Caindec, D.D. & Joseph, K. (2023). Opening the Doors to College: Immigrant Students’ Experiences of Postsecondary Access. Learning Brief: NYC: Internationals Network for Public Schools.
- Lukes, M., Caindec, D.D., Joseph, K. (2022). Postsecondary opportunity for immigrant high school students: Promoting equity through schoolwide structures, programs and culture. Learning Brief: NYC: Internationals Network for Public Schools
- Lukes, M., Caindec, D.D., Reynoso, R., Joseph, K. (2022). Immigrants, English Learners and Post-Secondary Pathways: Framing the issue. Learning Brief: NYC: Internationals Network for Public Schools. LINK
- Lukes, M. & Blagg, K. (2022). Leveraging Nuanced Data to Inform Research and Policy for Immigrant Students and Families. Learning Curve. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. June 9, 2022. LINK
- Lukes, M. (2021) Linguistically diverse immigrant youth chart a pathway to their futures in innovative public high schools for transnational youth LINK
- Lukes, M. (2021). Deconstructing the Dropout Factory. Redesigning Secondary Schools to Better Serve Immigrant Youth. In Heidrich, Karakaşoğlu, Mecheril, & Shure (Eds.), Regimes of Belonging – Schools – Migrations. Teaching in (Trans)National Constellations. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS. LINK
- Internationals Network for Public Schools (2021). Serving New York City’s Multilingual Learners During Covid: Reflection, Re-Enrollment, Re-Engagement and Recovery. September 20, 2021 Prepared by Marguerite Lukes, Kevin Davies, Cora Kobischka and Dennis Caindec. LINK
- Lukes & Davies, (2021). Engaging Multilingual Learners Post-Pandemic. NYC: Internationals Network for Public Schools (2021). LINK
- Clark-Gareca, B., Lukes, M. Short, D. & Sharp-Ross, M. (2019). Long-term English Learners: Current Research, Practice, and Policy. TESOL Journal. May 2019.
- Lukes, M. (2015). Latino Immigrant Youth and Interrupted Schooling: Dropouts, Dreamers and Alternative Pathways to College. Bristol, England: Multilingual Matters/Channel View Publications. LINK
- Wiley, T.G. & Lukes, M. (2015). English-Only and Standard English Ideologies in the United States. In T. Ricento (Eds.). Language Policy and Planning: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, Vol. III, (pp. 106-29). London: Routledge.
- Lukes, M. and Lyons, J. (2015). Educational Programming for Low-Literate Adult Migrants in the U.S., In Whiteside, A. and Simpson, J. (Eds). Challenging agendas: Policy and practice in Language Education for Adult Migrants. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Lukes, M. (2013). Dropouts, Dreamers and Alternative Pathways to College. In, Gastic, B. & Verdugo, R. The Education of the Hispanic Population. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Lukes, M. (2013). Seeing Art, Seeing the World: Modern Art and Literacy Development for English Language Learners K-12. In Chappell & Faltis (Eds). The Arts and Emergent Bilinguals: Building Culturally Responsive, Critical and Creative Programmes in School and Community Contexts. Routledge.
- Lukes, M. (2011). “I understand English but can’t write it”: The power of native language instruction for adult English Learners. International Multilingual Research Journal. Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 19-38.
- NY State Education Department (2010). Art as a Tool for Teachers of English Language Learners.
- Lukes, M. (2009). “We thought they had forgotten us:” Research, policy and practice in the education of Latino immigrant adults. Journal of Latinos and Education. Vol 8, No. 2, pp 161-172.