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Grace Kim

Grace Kim

Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy


Grace Kim is an Associate Professor in the Occupational Therapy Department. She received her bachelor's degree in Psychology at the University of California, at Davis and her master's degree in Occupational Therapy at Columbia University. She received her PhD in Occupational Therapy at New York University in 2016.

Dr. Kim has extensive clinical experience working with adults with neurological disabilities in the acute and inpatient rehabilitation hospital settings. As a clinician-researcher in the Rehabilitation Medicine department at New York Presbyterian, Weill Cornell Medical Center, Dr. Kim gained expertise on upper extremity robotics technologies, outcome measurement, and intervention implementation in stroke.

Dr. Kim’s research encapsulates the intersection of technology, neurorehabilitation, and client-centered care. She is particularly interested in the use of affordable mobile and wearable technologies and shared decision making approaches to maximize real-world outcomes for stroke survivors living in the community. 

Dr. Kim was the recipient of the Mitchell Leaska Dissertation Grant (2014), Steinhardt Faculty Challenge Grant (2017), New York University Research Challenge Grant (2017), New York University Provost Office Mega-Grant Seed Funding (2018), and the American Occupational Therapy Foundation, Interventional Research Grant (2021).

Dr. Kim teaches courses in Evidence-based Practice, Ethics & Analytic Reasoning, and Neurorehabilitation. She serves as a research and academic mentor for masters and doctoral students in the Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation Science programs and for undergraduates in the R25 Research Education in Cardiovascular Conditions program at the NYU Rory Meyers School of Nursing.

Selected Publications


Occupational Therapy

NYU Steinhardt’s occupational therapy program educates both aspiring OTs and credentialed professionals looking to further develop their practices.

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Ethics and Analytical Reasoning

Analysis of philosophical issues in occupational therapy with an emphasis on considering ethical dilemmas and sound arguments. Characteristics of analytic philosophy and techniques used in inquiry are explained.
Course #
OT-GE 2764
Occupational Therapy

Evidence-Based Practice

Students will evaluate clinical literature and determine the evidence level of a clinical study, appraise the feasibility of applying such concepts in everyday practice, and design a program evaluation of their own practice using evidence-based approach. The course will emphasize the need for evidence based clinical practice and prepare students to obtain the knowledge and skills for future clinical effectiveness studies (e.g., participate in systematic review, data collections, or being a clinical trial coordinator).
Course #
OT-GE 3301
Occupational Therapy

Neurological Evaluation and Intervention

Theoretical foundations underlying motor control related to the clinical application of various approaches to the assessment and treatment of clients with neuromotor dysfunction. Development of preliminary skill in assessment of motor behavior, selection of appropriate assessment tools and selection of treatment strategies to promote the client's occupation and role performance. Traditional and contemporary views of motor behavior - motor control, motor development, and motor learning will be presented.
Course #
OT-GE 2743
Occupational Therapy

Research Interpretation of Occupational Therapy

This course guides knowledge development as a professional consumer of research and as a contributor to the growth of the profession. Emphasizes practical applications of research foundations, and addresses methodologies for evidenced-based research, guidelines to facilitate students’ ability to critique published work, and ethical considerations and practices required for conducting research. Students identify a clinical research topic of interest, and develop a proposal to answer that question.
Course #
OT-GE 2725
Occupational Therapy