NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development invites talented scholars including those underrepresented in the Academy completing their PhD, EdD, or other relevant terminal degrees to apply to participate in Faculty First-Look (FFL). Faculty First-Look provides a glimpse into what it takes to prepare for future faculty careers, particularly in disciplines and fields represented within the Steinhardt School. Meet the Faculty First-Look Alumni .
NYU Steinhardt uniquely integrates education, communication, health, and the arts, with eleven departments, seventeen research centers and institutes, 300+ full-time faculty, and close to seven thousand students.
Faculty First-Look participants will have the opportunity to engage with NYU Steinhardt deans, faculty, and postdocs to:
- Learn best practices to prepare for the faculty recruitment, application, interview, and selection process;
- Learn how to write compelling application cover letters, research and teaching statements, and CVs;
- Learn best practices for delivering an effective Job Talk or Presentation;
- Learn best practices for cultivating job prospects, negotiating job offers, and deciding what position is right for you;
- Learn best practices for how to use digital/social media platforms to increase scholarly visibility as you enter the job market;
- Learn about NYU’s Postdoctoral Programs; and
- Receive access to continuous faculty development opportunities. Participants will have the unique opportunity to formally and informally network with and present their scholarly work to NYU faculty, postdocs, and graduate students working in their fields of study. They will also meet prospective faculty mentors and receive advice about their career plans.
Eligible participants include doctoral/terminal degree candidates working in fields represented among Steinhardt’s faculty, departments, and research centers. All interested persons including individuals that are underrepresented in this field are particularly encouraged to apply.
Additionally, applicants
- Should be making progress towards but not planning to defend the dissertation or other terminal degree equivalent before June 1, 2025.
- Should be able to devote a total of four full days (in a virtual format) the week of March 17, 2025.
The application period for the 2025 cohort is from November 15, 2024, to December 31, 2024.
Interested candidates must submit the following (as individual documents) by December 31, 2024:
- Personal Statement to include career aspirations, your contribution to diversity and inclusion in the Academy, anticipated dissertation completion date, and why participating in NYU Steinhardt’s Faculty First-Look will help you achieve your goal (maximum 750-word count (the word count must be included at the end of the personal statement), double-spaced);
- Dissertation Abstract (maximum 250-word count (the word count must be included at the end of abstract); single-spaced);
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Letter of Recommendation from dissertation advisor, verifying anticipated dissertation date.
Determinations and invitations to attend will be emailed to applicants during the week of January 27, 2025. Your patience is appreciated.
If you have any questions, please email steinhardt.facultyfirstlook@nyu.edu.