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If you are a professional with a master’s degree, our post-master's advanced certificate in LGBTQ+ Health, Education, and Social Services will give you the tools and depth of knowledge to work with the LGBTQ+ community, or to work in educational, health, research, counseling, and community-based settings that support and serve these populations.
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The Advanced Certificate is a joint initiative of three NYU schools that have long studied and served LGBTQ+ populations and individuals:
- NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development Department of Applied Psychology
- Silver School of Social Work
- Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
This 12-credit advanced certificate is designed for professionals who already hold a master’s degree in:
- Social work
- Counseling
- Psychology
- Public health
- Public policy and management
- Health policy and management
- Teacher education
- Educational leadership
- Or a related field of study
This is an ideal additional credential for you if you provide direct services to a variety of individuals, including LGBTQ+ individuals (or if you would like to); or you are interested in conducting research on LGBTQ+ issues, engaging in policy analysis and reform, or more effectively managing or directing organizations and agencies that serve the LGBTQ+ community.
Through required and elective course work, you will gain the knowledge and skills you need to work more effectively with LGBTQ+ individuals and communities in education, health, and social service settings, and to recognize that LGBTQ+ individuals are served in all settings.
By the time you graduate you will be:
- knowledgeable about the development of sexual orientation and gender identity as well as the social, political, economic, and health disparities faced by LGBTQ+ individuals across the lifespan
- aware of and know how to consciously address the political, organizational, and fiscal issues with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity in education, health, research, and community-service based settings
- able to identify the psychosocial and behavioral factors that differentiate the life experiences of these four sexual minority groups, i.e., development and enactment of identities
If you have any additional questions about our degree, please feel free to contact us at
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