Working closely with internationally recognized faculty in NYU’s unparalleled performing, practicing, and recording facilities, you will explore a personalized program of study tailored to your specific interests and goals. You will engage in collaborative projects with artists and professionals in related fields, broadening your perspectives and relating your own music-making activities to diverse cultural contexts and intellectual traditions. Immersing yourself in the new music life of New York City, you’ll find inspiration and activate valuable professional networks.
Core Course Sequence
The PhD in Musical Performance for composers consists of a minimum of 49 credits credits of graduate-level coursework, reflecting a personalized course of study directed by your artistic and personal goals. You’ll benefit from private instruction and coaching in chamber music with internationally renowned artists. You’ll also select from coursework in neighboring fields like psychology, performance studies, historical musicology, ethnomusicology, media, arts education and technology, and the social sciences. You’ll broaden your perspective and understand your own music-making activities in relation to a variety of cultural contexts and intellectual traditions, gaining expertise not only as a top-caliber performer, but as an interdisciplinary scholar, educator, and ambassador for the arts.
Culminating Experience
Guided by faculty mentors, you will present two degree recitals, and also write and defend a scholarly dissertation.