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Food, Culture & Globalization: Accra

This course is designed to put in perspective the interactions between culture, food systems, migration, and globalization, and how the interactions are impacting on the food security and nutrition of the people. The course will detail the culture and traditions (including changes over the years), food ways, the current food environment in Accra, and the drivers of the nutrition transition. This course will also help students to understand the importance of nutrition sensitive agriculture in food systems, the impacts of urbanization / migration on these, and the influence of government policies on the dynamics. The course also has a field component which includes visits to a traditional ruler (to learn about food culture and festivals), markets (traditional and modern), and fast-food outlets/restaurants.
Course #
FOOD-UE 9186
Nutrition and Food Studies
Liberal Arts Core
Cultures and Contexts


Amy Bentley

Professor of Food Studies