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Composing for Film and Multimedia

Addressing the matrix of directorial vision and visual, narrative, and dramatic world of a film, this course will examine a broad range of musical approaches and those requirements necessary for composing music for film and multimedia. Cultural, cinematic, and musical codes will be discussed and critiqued through critical analyses of seminar scores, scoring assignments, and collaborative director/composer interactions.

Course #
Music and Performing Arts Professions


  • MPATC-UE 1049 Contemporary Scoring or demonstrated similar experience
  • MPATC-UE 37 Music Theory III or music theory experience that is equivalent to this course

Course Objectives

At the end of the semester, students will:

  1. Create sophisticated harmonies to score visual scenes
  2. Create robust themes for movies
  3. Produce high quality tracks
  4. Create music that is able to provide meaning
  5. Develop efficient collaborative tools

Course Content Overview

  1. Introduction, Codes and terminology
  2. Hollywood Harmony I - IV
  3. Soundscape Harmony and Hyperorchestration I-II
  4. Narration I-II
  5. Music as Narrative I-III
  6. Topics on Instrumentation and Style I-II


  • Sergi Casanelles