Sarah Klevan is a doctoral candidate in the Sociology of Education program. Her dissertation “Zero Tolerance for Zero Tolerance: A School-based Ethnography of Restorative Approaches to Discipline” examines the implementation of alternative approaches to discipline in a public high school in New York City and how these approaches shift traditional authority relationships in schools. She is grateful to have received funding from NYU’s Steinhardt School and from the Fahs Beck Fund for Research and Experimentation in support of her dissertation research. Sarah is also a Research Analyst at the Research Alliance for New York City Schools. She conducts qualitative research for the Research Alliance’s evaluation of the Expanded Success Initiative, which aims to improve post-secondary readiness among Black and Latino young men.
Previously, Sarah taught 5th and 6th grade in Philadelphia. She was also a fellow of the Jewish Organizing Initiative in Boston. Sarah holds an M.S.Ed. from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education in Elementary Education and a B.A. in International Relations from Tufts University.