Salma Shamel is a PhD candidate at the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication. Her research trajectory over the last decade has explored the intersections of media and visual studies with Arab and African social and political thought. She did her BA in Media Art at the German University in Cairo and received her MA, supported by the Fulbright Foundation, at The School of Art and Design History and Theory at The New School. She is a core member of the Mosireen Media Collective in Egypt, and a co-founder of the 858 archive. Her writing has appeared in Endnotes, Social Text, Rethinking Marxism, Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly, The Derivative (by Beirut Art Center), Aljumhuriya, Jadaliyya, Megaphone, Mada Masr, and others.
An artist by training, her experimental video work has been shown at Crossroads at the San Francisco Musem of Modern Art, the European Media Art Festival in Germany, the Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival in Scotland, Cámara Lúcida in Ecuador, Cairo Video Festival in Egypt, CODEC Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental y Vídeo in Mexico, Athens International Film and Video in Ohio, and more.
Selected Publications
"From Image to Flesh in a World Seen from the South: A Conversation with Gary Wilder." Social Text 42, no. 1 (2024): 105-122.
"Leaving the Door Ajar: An Interview with Fadi A. Bardawil." Rethinking Marxism 33, no. 4 (2021): 611-638.