Jenna Battipaglia, M.S. CCC-SLP, is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders. She is a dual alumna of New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Jenna earned a Masters of Science from the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders and a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from the Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions. She is an ASHA-certified and New York State licensed speech-language pathologist and holds a Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD) certificate.
Clinical and teaching areas of interest include voice disorders, professional voice use and the singing voice, and gender affirming voice and communication. Jenna’s teaching includes courses in the clinical practicum sequence, voice disorders, and she provides clinical education through supervision to graduate students in the NYU Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic. Jenna is certified and trained in LSVT, videostroboscopy, and PROMPT and is a member of ASHA (Sig. 3, Voice and Upper Airway Disorders), The Voice Foundation, VASTA, PAVA, WPATH, and the New York Voice Study Group.
Prior to joining NYU CSD as a clinical faculty member, Jenna served as an adjunct clinical instructor and clinical supervisor in the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders at NYU CSD, where she taught clinical writing and courses in the clinical practicum sequence, and provided clinical supervision to graduate students in the NYU Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic. Jenna has also worked as a speech-language pathologist at the New York City Department of Education, evaluating and treating the school-aged population with speech and language disorders in the public school setting.