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Ha Yeon Kim

Senior Research Scientist, PELE


Ha Yeon Kim is a developmental and educational psychologist, and Senior Research Scientist at NYU-TIES. Her research focuses on identifying effective ways to support the learning and development of underrepresented child populations and strengthening education systems that are affected by sociopolitical and economic adversities around the world.

Her current work mainly involves the Quality Instruction Towards Access and Basic Education Improvement 2 (QITABI 2) Program, the ERICC Research Consoritium Programme, and the 3EA initiative. (See the hyperlinks for project details), dedicated to building a systematic evidence base that can transform education systems in conflict and crisis-affected countries such as Bangladesh, Jordan, Lebanon, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Syria, and Ukraine.

Ha Yeon is a principal investigator and co-principal investigator on research grants awarded by the ESRC-DFID, UKAid, Dubai Cares, Porticus Foundation, and Spencer Foundation, and has collaborated with International Rescue Committee, War Child Holland, and World Bank in various projects.

Prior to Global TIES, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Graduate School of Education, where she worked on a project testing the impact of a low-intensity literacy intervention program, Word Generation (Catalyzing Comprehension through Discussion and Debate(link is external): PI: Catherine Snow & Suzanne Donovan). See here(link is external) for her work with Word Generation. She holds PhD in Developmental Psychology from New York University, MA in Child Development (Specialization: Early Childhood Education) and BA in Child Development and Family Studies from Seoul National University.

Twitter handle @hayeonkim_dr(link is external)


Selected Publications

Brown, L., Gjicali, K., Kim, H. Y., Tubbs Dolan, C., Frisoli, P., Bwary, M., & Aber, J. L. (2023). Evaluating program enhancement strategies for remedial tutoring: A cluster-randomized control trial with Syrian refugee students in Lebanon. AERA Open, 9, 23328584231209268. is external)

Kim, H. Y., Brown, L., Tubbs Dolan, C., Gjicali, K., Deitz, R., Prieto Bayona, M. del S., & Aber, J. L. (2023). Testing the impact of a skill-targeted social and emotional learning curriculum and its variation by pre- and postmigration conflict experiences: A cluster randomized trial with Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. Journal of Educational Psychology. is external)

Wu, Z., Brown, L., Kim, H. Y., Yoshikawa, H., & Aber, J. L. (2023). Measuring the dosage of brief and skill-targeted social-emotional learning (SEL) activities in humanitarian settings. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. is external)

Hsin, L., Miratrix, L., Kim, H. Y., LaRusso, M., & Snow, C. (in press). Predictable variation in the implementation of a curricular intervention—and why it matters. Elementary School Journal.

Brown, L., Kim, H. Y., Tubbs Dolan, C., Brown, A., Sklar, J., & Aber, J. L. (2022). Remedial programming and skill-targeted SEL in low-income contexts: experimental evidence from Niger. Journal of Research in Educational Effectiveness. is external)

Tubbs Dolan, C., Kim, H. Y., Brown, L., Gjicali, K., Borsani, S., Houchaimi, S. E., & Aber, J. L. (2022). Supporting Syrian refugee children’s academic and social-emotional learning in national education systems: A cluster randomized controlled trial of nonformal remedial support and mindfulness programs in Lebanon. American Educational Research Journal. is external)

Kim, H. Y., Gjicali, K., Wu, Z. Tubbs Dolan, C. (2021). Teachers’ Observations of Learners’ Social and Emotional Learning (TOOLSEL): Psychometric Evidence for Use in Program Evaluation in Education in Emergencies. Journal of Education in Emergencies. 7(2), 57-103. is external)

Aber, J. L., Tubbs Dolan, C., Kim, H. Y., & Brown, L. (2021). Children’s learning and development in conflict- and crisis-affected countries: Building a science for action. Development and Psychopathology, 1–16. is external)

Kim, H. Y., Brown, L., Tubbs Dolan, C., Sheridan, M., & Aber, J. L. (2020). Post-migration risks, developmental processes, and learning among Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 69, 101142. (link is external) is external)

Jones, S. M., Kim, J., LaRusso, M, Kim, H. Y., Selman, R., Uccelli, P., Barnes, S., Donovan, S, Snow, C. (2019). Experimental effects of Word Generation on vocabulary, academic language, perspective taking, and reading comprehension in high poverty middle schools. Journal of Research in Educational Effectiveness.12, 448-483. is external)

Ford, C., Kim, H. Y., Brown, L., Aber, J. L. & Sheridan, M. (2019). A cognitive assessment tool designed for data collection in the field in low- and middle-income countries. Research in Comparative and International Education. 14, 141-157. is external)

Cappella, E., Schwartz, K., Hill, J., Kim, H. Y., & Seidman, E. (2019). A national sample of 8th grade students: The impact of middle grade schools on academic and psychosocial competence. Journal of Early Adolescence. 39, 267-200. is external)10.1177/0272431617735653(link is external)

Kim, H. Y., Hsin, L. B., & Snow, C. E. (2018). Reducing the academic inequalities for English language learners: Variation in experimental effects of Word Generation in high poverty middle schools. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. is external)

Kim, H. Y., LaRusso, M., Hsin, L., Selman, R. L., Snow, C. (2018). Social perspective taking: Construct, measurement, and relations with academic performance and engagement. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 57, 24-41. is external)

Cappella, E., Jackson, D., Kim, H. Y., Bilal, C., & Holland, S. (2016). Implementation of teacher consultation and coaching in urban schools: A mixed method study. School Mental Health.8, 222-237 is external)

Kim, H. Y. & Cappella, E. (2016). Mapping the social world of urban classrooms: A multi-level, multi-reporter approach to social processes and behavioral engagement. American Journal of Community Psychology. 57, 20-35. is external)

LaRusso, M., Kim, H. Y., Selman, R. Uccelli, P., Dawson, T., Jones, S. Donovan, S. & Snow, C. (2016). Contributions of academic language, perspective taking, and complex reasoning to deep reading comprehension. Journal of Research in Educational Effectiveness. 9, 201-222. is external)

Kim, H. Y. & Suárez-Orozco, C. (2015). The language of learning: Academic engagement of newcomer immigrant youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 25, 229-245. is external)

Kim, H. Y., Schwartz, K., Cappella, E., Seidman, E. (2014). Navigating middle grades: Role of social contexts in middle school climate. American Journal of Community Psychology. 54, 28-45. is external)

Cappella, E., Kim, H. Y., Neal, J. W., & Jackson, D. (2013). Classroom peer relationships and academic engagement in elementary school: The role of social network equity. American Journal of Community Psychology. 52, 367-379. is external)

Cappella, E., Hamre, B. K., Kim, H. Y., Henry, D. B., Frazier, S. L., Atkins, M. S., & Schoenwald, S. K. (2012). Teacher consultation and coaching within mental health practice: Classroom and child effects in urban elementary schools. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 80, 597-610.

Suárez-Orozco, C., Bang, H. J., & Kim, H. Y. (2011). I felt like my heart was staying behind: Psychological implications of family separations and reunifications for immigrant youth. Journal of Adolescent Research. 26, 222-225. (link is external) is external)

Suárez-Orozco, C., Kim, H. Y., & Bang, H. J. (2011). “Getting used to each other:” Immigrant youth’s family reunification experience. Child Studies in Asian-Pacific Contexts. 1, 1-23. (International)