Elliot K. Canfield-Dafilou was most recently a researcher in the Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert at Sorbonne Université working on the aural heritage of Notre-Dame de Paris. His research focuses on sound spatialization, room acoustics simulation, and auditory perception. His present work involves modeling changes in the acoustics of Notre-Dame over time and studying interactions among musicians and the spaces in which they perform. Before joining Sorbonne Université, he earned his Ph.D. from the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics at Stanford University with a dissertation on Performing, Recording, and Producing Immersive Music. At Stanford, Elliot was part of the Icons of Sound project simulating Byzantine Chant in the acoustics of Turkey's Hagia Sophia. His work is multidisciplinary and frequently combines scientific and creative endeavors. Elliot teaches digital signal theory at NYU.