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David Darts

Associate Professor of Art; Department of Art and Art Professions (Abu Dhabi International Assignment)

Art and Art Professions


David Darts is Global Network Associate Professor of the Arts at New York University (New York, NY). He is director of Nomad Lab, an artistic research studio that studies the relationships between emerging technologies, design, and the human condition. Nomad Lab develops sociomaterial thought experiments made tangible through designed objects. This work seeks to pose questions and inspire deep thinking about possible future consequences of present choices. His creative and curatorial work has been presented widely and featured in over 200 international publications, including New Scientist, Le Monde, Ars Technica, Wired Italia, the New York Times and on National Public Radio's All Things Considered

Recent Projects:

Personal Space Suit (2024)
Capacitive touch and perimeter sensor enabled garment used to monitor and safeguard personal space within densely populated urban environments.

Parabolic Umbrellas (2023-2024)
Raindrop sensing umbrella that transmits precipitation generated audio data over the network to a paired parabolic umbrella speaker, thus shifting realtime meteorological conditions from one microclimate to another.

PirateBox (2011-2019) 
Self-contained and mobile digital collaboration and file sharing system. Inspired by pirate radio and the free culture movement, PirateBox utilizes Free and Open Source software to create mobile wireless communication and file sharing networks where users can communicate and anonymously exchange images, video, audio, documents, and other digital content.