Angela Xiao Wu
Associate Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication
Media, Culture, and Communication
Wu works at the intersection of media and communication study and science and technology studies (STS), with a focus on the dynamic interactions of politics and infrastructures of knowledge production. Her research intervenes in fields such as critical data studies, platform studies, audience analysis, the political economy of media and media governance, and post/socialism studies.
Wu holds a PhD in Media, Technology and Society from Northwestern University. She received her Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Communication from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and her B.A. in Journalism and Communication with a Minor in Applied Computer Science from Tsinghua University.
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Wu, A. X. (2024). The politics of platforms/pingtai平台: A Chinese genealogy. Communication and the Public, September. Doi:10.1177/20570473241280320 *Commentary*
Chen, Y., Lu, A.J., & Wu, A. X. (2023). ‘China’ as a ‘black box’? Rethinking methods through a sociotechnical perspective. Information, Communication and Society. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2022.2159488
Wu, A. X. (2022). Data science and the PhD question: The assetization of the doctoral habitus. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 41(4), 54–62. doi:10.1109/MTS.2022.3215880
Wu, A. X. (2022). Journalism via systems cybernetics: The birth of Chinese communication discipline and post-Mao press reforms. History of Media Studies, 2.doi:10.32376/d895a0ea.182c7595
Wu, A. X. (2022). The ambient politics of affective computing. Public Culture, 34(1), 21-45. doi:10.1215/08992363-9435427
Wu, A. X. & Li, L. (2021). Localism in internet governance: The rise of China’s provincial web. China Information. doi:10.1177/0920203X211055038
Wu, A. X., Taneja, H. & Webster, J. (2021). Going with the flow: Nudging audiences online. New Media & Society,23(10), 2979-2998. doi:10.1177/1461444820941183
Wu, A. X. & Taneja, H. (2021). Platform enclosure of human behavior and its measurement: Using behavioral trace data against platform episteme. New Media & Society, 23(9), 2650-2667. doi:10.1177/1461444820933547
Wu, A. X. (2020). Chinese computing and computing China as global knowledge production. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, and Technoscience, 6(2). doi:10.28968/cftt.v6i2.34363 *Critical Perspectives*
Wu, A. X. (2020). The evolution of regime imaginaries on the Chinese internet. Journal of Political Ideologies, 25(2), 139-161. doi:10.1080/13569317.2020.1750759
Wu, A. X. & Dong, Y. (2019). What is ‘made-in-China feminism(s)’? Gender discontent and class friction in post-socialist China. Critical Asian Studies, 51(4), 471-492. doi:10.1080/14672715.2019.1656538
Wu, A. X. & Taneja, H. (2019). How did the data extraction business model come to dominate? Changes in the web use ecosystem before mobiles surpassed personal computers. The Information Society, 35(5), 272-285. doi:10.1080/01972243.2019.1644409
Taneja, H. & Wu, A. X. (2019). Web infrastructures and online attention ecology. International Journal of Communication, 13, 736-756.
Wu, A. X. (2018). Brainwashing paranoia and lay media theories in China: The phenomenological dimension of media use (and the self) in digital environments. Media, Culture & Society, 40(6), 909-926. doi:10.1177/0163443717734409
Taneja, H., Wu, A. X., & Edgerly, S. (2018). Rethinking the generational gap in online news use: An infrastructural perspective. New Media & Society, 20(5), 1792–1812. doi:10.1177/1461444817707348
Wu, A. X. & Taneja, H. (2016). Reimagining Internet geographies: A user-centric ethnological mapping of the World Wide Web. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 21(3), 230-246. doi:10.1111/jcc4.12157
Taneja, H. & Wu, A. X. (2014). Does the Great Firewall really isolate the Chinese? Integrating access blockage with cultural factors to explain web user behavior. The Information Society, 30(5), 297-309. doi:10.1080/01972243.2014.944728
- Winner of Outstanding Article Award 2015, International Communication Association
- Translated into Chinese and reprinted as防火牆真的讓中國與世隔絕了嗎?從整合互聯網屏蔽和文化因素的角度來解釋網絡用戶的使用習慣,《傳播與社會學刊》 (Communication & Society) ,第35期,頁27–55。
Wu, A. X. (2014). Ideological polarization over a China-as-superpower mind-set: An exploratory charting of belief systems among Chinese Internet users, 2008-2011. International Journal of Communication, 8, 2243–2272.
Wu, A. X. (2014). The shared pasts of solitary readers in China: Connecting web use and changing political understanding through reading histories. Media, Culture & Society, 36(8), 1168-1185. doi:10.1177/0163443714545003
Wu, A. X. (2012). Hail the independent thinker: The emergence of public debate culture on the Chinese Internet. International Journal of Communication, 6, 2220-2244.
Wu, A. X. (2012). Broadening the scope of cultural preferences: Film consumption and movie talk in the Chinese piracy market, 1980s - 2005. International Journal of Communication, 6, 501-529.
- Reprinted in: Piracy cultures: How a growing portion of the global population is building media relationships through alternate channels of obtaining content. Edited by M. Castells & G. Cardoso. Los Angeles: USC Annenberg Press, 2013.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Taneja, H. & Wu, A. X. (2018). Pathways to fragmentation: User flows and web distribution infrastructures. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci'18, May 27–30, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands), 255-259. doi:10.1145/3201064.3201107.
Book Chapter
Wu, A. X. (Forthcoming). Data. In C. Rojas, J. Li, & Y. Braester (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Chinese Digital Media. Oxford University Press.
Invited Articles and Commentaries
Wu, A. X., Taneja, H., boyd, d., Donato, P., Hindman, M., Napoli, P., & Webster, J. (2020). Computational social science: On measurement. Science, 370(6521), 1174-1175. doi:10.1126/science.abe8308 *Letters*
Wu, A. X. (2015). Historicizing Internet use in China and the problem of the user figure. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 37(4), 2-4. doi:10.1109/mahc.2015.75 *Lead Think Piece*