Choreographers for the Dance Education program's April 2020 Masters' Dance Concert were unable to present their work in the Frederick Loewe Theatre due to COVID-19. See how some of the graduate students used their creativity and problem solving skills to adapt their work to film. The instructions were to create a short film using existing rehearsal video, interviews, new video footage, and/or narration to create a response to their work being interrupted and how they are moving forward.
Tymothy Jaddock
Courtney Ramm
Rebecca Santone
Rachel Schemenaur
Sarah Schiff-Berger
Our students in the Fall Concert Prep class created the following videos:
Mari Vasconez
Jonathan Flores
Shaahida Samuel
Deanna Martinez
Ri Robinson
These videos were created for our Kaleidoscope Dancers workshops for children. The videos go with the PowerPoint lesson plans that were taught over Zoom to a group of middle school children this semester.