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NYU Metro Center’s 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference: Past, Present, & Future Issues Call for Proposals


NYU Metro Center’s 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference is inviting proposals for live, in-person conference sessions to be held on June 2nd, in New York City. Proposals are enthusiastically welcome from everyone who acknowledges both the diverse strengths and learning capabilities of students and embraces efforts to ensure that every child is permitted equitable opportunities for success.

The focus of NYU Metro Center’s 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference is to broaden knowledge and intentionally break fresh ground in the development of an inclusive educational system that invites all of our children to achieve their best possible academic, socioemotional, and cultural development. The 2023 Equity Conference aims to push the boundaries of what educational equity means, and for whom, and offer attendees with research, practices, strategies, and tools that can be shared with colleagues on how different education equity leaders can play a role in improving beliefs, policies, and practices in schools, districts, regions, and greater school-wide communities.    

To that end, the theme of NYU Metro Center’s 2023 Equity Conference is decolonizing education, wellness and sustainability in leading equity efforts, in addition to equity-based practices that districts and schools have developed and sustained.

2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference 

Call for Proposals

NYU Metro Center invites you to submit proposals for the 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference (PEC), which will be held Friday, June 2nd, in New York City. The PEC Conference Committee welcomes proposals that reflect forward-facing ideas and bold approaches to transforming educational practices, beliefs, and policies, as well as underscore the pressing imperative to improve and strengthen equity and social justice efforts.    

We will select presenters who can help attendees gain knowledge and skills that are necessary to advancing equity in either classrooms, schools, and districts, and provide sessions that will create practical applications of these understandings in 65-70-minute workshop/training presentations.

If the proposal is being submitted as a team effort, one member may submit the form, however, all members in the proposal should be listed.

The NYU Metro Center Conference Committee requires that all presenters complete the 2023 Conference Proposal Form here(link is external).

Note: The Prioritizing Equity: Past, Present, and Future Conference Proposal form(link is external) must be completely filled in its entirety and submitted by the submission deadline, Friday, March 24th, 2023 by 11:59 PM (EST).

For those individuals looking to attend the NYU Metro Center’s Prioritizing Equity Conference on June 2nd, please register here(link is external).

If you have any questions about NYU Metro Center’s 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference: Past, Present, and Future, please contact Demiana Rizkalla via email here.