All full-time Steinhardt administrators, clerical and technical staff, and research staff are eligible for one or more of the awards listed below. Please note that Steinhardt's awards are separate and distinct from the University's Distinguished Administrator and Give-A-Violet Awards.
- Steinhardt Distinguished Administrator Award – recognizes outstanding administrative and professional performance and inclusive excellence that help Steinhardt meet its strategic initiatives and contribute to the attainment of Steinhardt's goals.
- Steinhardt Administrative Award for Excellence – recognizes outstanding administrative and professional performance.
- Steinhardt Staff Award for Excellence – recognizes the extraordinary service of clerical and technical staff.
- Steinhardt Distinguished Professional Researcher Award – recognizes full-time researchers who have demonstrated exceptional service in conducting experiments, collecting and analyzing results, and performing duties associated with laboratory or research programs.
- Dean’s Award for Impact – recognizes outstanding administrators, researchers, or staff members who make a significant impact in engagement, community, or inclusion and innovation activities within Steinhardt, NYU, or local, national, and global communities.
- Steinhardt Give-A-Violet Award – recognizes staff who have gone above and beyond the normal scope of their positions and demonstrated specific values and competencies at an exceptional level in the performance of their everyday responsibilities.
- Steinhardt Honorary Team Recognition – is a new recognition category that celebrates teams, groups, or departments that have gone above and beyond in providing exemplary work.
Award Winners for 2023
Steinhardt Distinguished Administrator Award
Dove Pedlosky, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication
Steinhardt Administrative Award for Excellence
Nessan Richards, Office of Finance
Steinhardt Staff Award for Excellence
Erin Friar, Department of Occupational Therapy
Steinhardt Distinguished Professional Researcher Award
Veronica Osminina, Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
Dean's Award for Impact
James Kemple, Research Alliance
Steinhardt Give-A-Violet Award
Jackee Terbay, Department of Teaching & Learning
Marie McClendon, Institutional Effectiveness
Steinhardt Honorary Team Recognition
Department of Applied Psychology Fieldwork Team
Amanda Lorencz, Jessica Chimoff & Alyssa Nittolo
Recognition of Years of Service
Congratulations to the following administrators, staff, and researchers for reaching significant career milestones.
ASD Nest
5 Years
Virginia Skar
Kate Garcia (Programs for Inclusion and Neurodiversity Education)
Samara Sweig (Programs for Inclusion and Neurodiversity Education)
10 Years
Allison Graham Brown
Department of Applied Psychology
5 Years
Kimberly Bassalian
Karina Melendez
Alyssa Nittolo
10 Years
Amanda Holda
Erika Jackson
Department of Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
20 Years
Meryle Weinstein
Department of Art and Art Professions
10 Years
Julia Olson
30 Years
Ken Castronuovo
Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
5 Years
Maria Michelle Fareri
Chrystal Herreros
10 Years
Shima Gorgani
Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
5 Years
Hao Bai
Christopher Bush
Sergi Casanelles
Madison Coe
Ian Heitzman
Jonathan Jones
Mary Park
Tim Vanetten
10 Years
Christine Battaglia
Shanieka Brooks
20 Years
Tyshawn Staton
25 Years
Rochelle Baylor
Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
10 Years
Steven Ho
30 Years
Ken Castronuovo
Department of Physical Therapy
10 Years
Peggy Dadaille
Department of Teaching and Learning
5 Years
Kyle Morris
Jackee Terbay
Institute of Human Development and Social Change
5 Years
Douha Boulares
Whitney Cole
Michelle Flemen-Tung
Krystel Francis
Niki Hill
Genevieve Sims
Carly Tubbs Dolan
10 Years
Marian Haji-Mohamed
Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
5 Years
Joanna Geller
Barbara Gross
Jasrin Jalal
Danielle Perry
Juan San Taveras
Chauntenay Young
20 Years
Keno Moore
Office of Academic Operations
5 Years
Judith Hart
Jenna Werkman
Office of Finance
5 Years
Gabriel Lopez
10 Years
Danielle Holley
Office of Communications
5 Years
Sarah Mitchell
Benjamin Ouriel
Dori Schaffield
15 Years
Minho Arthur Ohm
Office of the Dean
15 Years
Natalie Hidalgo
Office of Faculty Affairs
5 Years
Julissa Alvarez
Office of Graduate Admissions
10 Years
Luke Mariotti
Office of Institutional Effectiveness
5 Years
Ryan Fisher
15 Years
Pat Eaton
Office of Research
5 Years
DeSandra Torbor
Office of Student Affairs
5 Years
Laura Gomez
10 Years
Nija Monét Leocadio
Nick Voelker
25 Years
Belkis Baez
Research Alliance for New York City Schools
5 Years
Kathryn Hill
Edgar Rivera-Cash
John Sludden
Steinhardt Technology Services
5 Years
Cliff Rene
Award Nominees
Congratulations to these members of the Steinhardt community for their exceptional work throughout the year.
Scott Allen, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Victoria Brunkhorst, Department of Applied Psychology
Shima Gorgani, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Nija Monét Leocadio, Office of Student Affairs
Julia Olson, Department of Art and Art Professions
Dove Pedlosky, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication
Maria Ramirez, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Belonging
Valerie Setteducato, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Alyssa Alfano, Department of Teaching and Learning
Olivia Geraldine Blake, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Shanieka Brooks, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Victoria Brunkhorst, Department of Applied Psychology
Sergi Casanelles, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Emily Frederick, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Paloma Garcia, Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
Heather Hardy, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Monique Henry, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Amanda Holda, Department of Applied Psychology
Minji Kim, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Rachel Lindor, Department of Applied Psychology
Jacquelline Mezzacappa, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Chris Nichols, Office of Communications
Julia Louise Olson, Department of Art and Art Professions
Maria Ramirez, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Belonging
Nessan Richards, Office of Finance
Sarah Rivera, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Lois Shah, Department of Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Brennan Stack, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Silvia Taylor, Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
Jackee Terbay, Department of Teaching and Learning
DeSandra Torbor, Office of Research
Paige Chandler Witbeck, Department of Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Winifred Wu, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication
Alison Burski, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Peggy Dadaille, Department of Physical Therapy
Aaron Fenhagen, Department of Physical Therapy
Erin Friar, Department of Occupational Therapy
Halaina Kumpf, Office of Student Affairs
Amanda Lorencz, Department of Applied Psychology
Terrasina Mitchell, Department of Teaching and Learning
Aiyana Heart Ruiz, Department of Applied Psychology
Pharoah Cranston, Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
Michelle Flemen-Tung, Institute of Human Development and Social Change
Joanna Geller, Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
Alison Haas, Department of Teaching and Learning
Vironika Osminina, Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
Carly Tubbs Dolan, Institute of Human Development and Social Change
Alice Wuermli, Institute of Human Development and Social Change
Jacqueline Birnbaum, Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy
Jessica Chimoff, Department of Applied Psychology
James Kemple, Research Alliance for New York City Schools
Nija Monét Leocadio, Office of Student Affairs
Maria Ramirez, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Belonging
Patricia Ryan-Canedo, Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
Genevieve Sims, Institute of Human Development and Social Change
Alyssa Alfano, Department of Applied Psychology
Scott Allen, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Olivia Blake, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Olivia Bright, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
Shanieka Brooks, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Alison Burski, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Sergi Casanelles, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Christina Charles, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Julie Chin, Department of Physical Therapy
Annemarie Fulfaro, Office of Graduate Admissions
Paloma Garcia, Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
Heather Hardy, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Monique Henry, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Ashawn Knight, Steinhardt Technology Services
Halaina Kumpf, Office of Student Affairs
MarieAndrea McClendon, Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Jacquelline Mezzacappa, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Julia Olson, Department of Art and Art Professions
Raymond Pfaff, Steinhardt Technology Services
Maria Ramirez, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Belonging
Allegra Romita, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Thomas Sendgraff, Academic Technology Administration
Brennan Stack, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
Silvia Taylor, Office of Research
Jackee Terbay, Department of Teaching and Learning
Department of Applied Psychology Field Placement Team
Amanda Lorencz, Jessica Chimoff, and Alyssa Nittolo
Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders Administrative Team
Lauren Acri, Alison Burski, Patrick Fleming, Jacquelline Mezzacappa, and Jenn Monico
Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders Clinic Team
Alison Burski, Jacquelline Mezzacappa, and Alicia Morrison
Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions Advising Team
Shanieka Brooks, Christopher Bush, Heather Hardy, Monique Henry, Jonathan Jones, and Brennan Stack
Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions Theatre Operations
Hao Bai, Nicholas Bolton, Madison Lee Coe, Drew Francis, Stephanie M. Gonzalez, Ian Heitzman, Michelle Humphrey, Joe Mathers, Andrew Palmer, and Tim VanEtten
NYU Steinhardt Costume Shop Team
Madison Lee Coe and Michelle Humphrey
Office of Student Affairs
Belkis Baez, Jeanne Bannon, Laura Gomez, Justine Kelly-Fierro, Halaina Kumpf, Kate Legnetti, Nija Monét Leocadio, Luis Andrew Lopez, Tara McNally, Emilie Scott Ricco, Marni Vassallo, and Nicholas Voelker