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Emily Dunlop IE PhD Student

Emily Dunlop

International Education PhD Student


Program: International Education

Research Interests: Conflict and Education; Peace Education; Politics of Education; Ethnic Conflict; Inequality; Mixed Methods Research Design

Principal Advisor(s): Elisabeth King

Dissertation Committee: Dana Burde (NYU), Cyrus Samii (NYU),

External Examiners: Sebastian Cherng (NYU), Stef Vandeginste (University of Antwerp)

Dissertation Title: Addressing Horizontal Inequalities in Burundian Secondary and Tertiary Education


Research Description/Bio: Emily Dunlop is a PhD Candidate in International Education at NYU Steinhardt. Her research focuses on how governments address ethnic group inequalities in education at the secondary and tertiary level in post-conflict countries, with a focus on Burundi. She currently serves as an adjunct instructor for Introduction to Global Education. Prior to coming to NYU, she obtained a Masters Degree from the University of Toronto in Comparative International and Development Education and has extensive experience working as a teacher and curriculum developer in Canada, the UK, and Rwanda.


Selected Awards, Publications, and Presentations:



Dunlop, E. & E. King. (2019). “The Inclusion, Trends, and Framing of Education in Peace Agreements: Implications for Post-Conflict Education Development.” Compare:  A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2019.1619446


Book Reviews:

Dunlop, E. (2018). (Re)constructing Memory: Education, Identity, and Conflict. Michelle Bellino and James Williams. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2017 in Journal of Education and Emergencies.


Other Publications:

King, E., E. Dunlop, J. Kelcey, & C. Ndirangu. (2019). Secondary Education for Youth Affected by Humanitarian Emergencies and Protracted Crises. Toronto: Mastercard Foundation. Available at:

King, E., & E.Dunlop (2018). “Analyzing GLAC’s Social Labs’ Impact – A Retrospective Analysis”. Background Paper commissioned by the GIZ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.


Policy Briefs:

Dunlop, E.  (2019). “Brief 59: Researcher and Implementer Collaborations - Compromises and Opportunities.” Evidence in Governance and Politics. Available at:



Dunlop, E. (2018). Addressing Ethnic Group Inequalities in Burundian Education: Implications for Peace and Conflict. Burundi Research Network, University of Antwerp, Belgium (July 2018)

Dunlop, E. and E. King (2017). Education in African Peace Agreements: Implications for Policy and Practice. Paper presented at The Politics of Education in Societies in Transition, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. (July 2017)

Dunlop, E. and E. King (2017). Framing Education in Peace Agreements – Approaches and Implications for Peacebuilding. Paper presented at the Comparative International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA (March 2017)

Dunlop, E. (2015). Ethnic Difference & Conflict in Burundian Schools: Experiences of Different Student Generations. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON (May 2015).

Dunlop, E. (2015). Lived Experiences of Ethnicity in Burundian Primary Schools: School Content and Conflict. Paper presented at the Comparative International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Washington D.C., (March 2015)

Dunlop, E. (2014).  Ethnic Difference and Conflict in Burundian Schools – Experiences of Different Student Generations. Comparative International and Development Education (CIDE) Seminar, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (October 2014)



February 2019 Shearwater Research Grant ($1,165), New York University

June 2018 E. King (PI), E. Dunlop, S. Acris and A. Blewitt. $25,000. GIZ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

May 2018 Steinhardt Doctoral Travel and Research Grant ($1,400), New York University

February 2018 Shearwater Research Grant ($933.00), New York University

February 2017 Shearwater Research Grant ($750.00), New York University

February 2015 Doctoral Research Fellowship (4 years; $26, 547 per year), New York University