NYU Metro Center presents the 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference: Past, Present, and Future. The 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference will push the boundaries of what educational equity means, and for whom, and will share research, practices, strategies, and tools with attendees that can be shared with colleagues on how different education equity leaders can play a role in improving beliefs, policies, and practices in schools, districts, regions, and greater school-wide communities. This equity and social justice event aims to inform, instruct, and replenish a host of education community members working to ensure the end of the systemic racism and economic oppression our children face within public education.
The 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference will be a remarkable educational justice gathering. This is in part due to the conference’s innovative, enlightening, and equity-focused workshops, as well as the equally innovative, enlightening, and equity-focused individual who will deliver the keynote address.

The Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools is proud to announce Dr. Pedro Noguera as the keynote speaker for its 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference: Past, Present, and Future.
This sociologist's scholarship and research focuses on the ways in which schools are influenced by social and economic conditions as well as by demographic trends in local, regional and global contexts. He is an author who has published over 200 research articles, monographs and research reports on topics such as urban school reform, conditions that promote student achievement, the role of education in community development, youth violence, and race and ethnic relations in American society. He is an educator who has recently received awards from the Center for the Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences, the National Association of Secondary Principals, and the McSilver Institute at NYU for his research and advocacy efforts aimed at fighting poverty. This luminary served as the Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education at New York University and the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools from 2003 through 2015. He currently serves as the Emery Stoops and Joyce King Stoops Dean of the University of Southern California's Rossier School of Education. The Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools is proud to announce Dr. Pedro Noguera as the keynote speaker for its 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference: Past, Present, and Future.
You are cordially invited to join us at the 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference. The doors are open. Witness the brilliance of Dr. Pedro Noguera in-person, learn transformative practices, and connect with the education equity community at the Prioritizing Equity Conference on Friday, June 2nd. Engage with NYU Metro Center at the Prioritizing Equity Conference to gather with students, educators, and community members to recharge, reset, and augment your equity plan. Regarding Dr. Noguera’s participation in the conference, Dr. Fabienne Doucet, Executive Director of NYU Metro Center, said,
“I could not be more thrilled that lifelong champion for equity in education, fierce advocate for the dignity and deservedness of marginalized students of color, especially Black and Brown students, and dear mentor of mine for over two decades will be joining us for this important occasion.”

Dr. María G. Hernández, Deputy Executive Director of School Change and Community Engagement, is enthusiastic to have Dr. Noguera as Metro Center’s keynote speaker, as a mentor to her, he has taught her a lot about equity and school transformation. Dr. Hernández notes that Dr. Noguera’s decades of scholarship and expertise continue to push the levers for districts and schools to take action and do better for and by our historically and currently marginalized children.
Don’t miss out on hearing from 2023 RHSU’s #1 Education Public Influence Scholar, an amazing, charismatic advocate who will chronicle the past of educational equity efforts, outline the current state of equity efforts and what districts must do NOW to take action!

Make the most of this opportunity to encounter forward-facing ideas and bold approaches to transforming educational practices, beliefs, and policies, as well as underscore the pressing imperative to improve and strengthen equity and social justice efforts.
We look forward to seeing you at the Prioritizing Equity Conference.