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Youth Development and College and Career Readiness Unit-Youth Testimonials: Andrea R.

Youth Testimonials shared by Andrea R.

I am shy and reserved, so entering the program in ninth grade made me nervous. I remember my first day, entering NYU’s Silver Center and being greeted by such warm and comforting people. This is something I will always appreciate; the genuine effort the staff made to connect with the students. Their kindness and sincerity have allowed me to come out of my shell and feel part of a large family. They have helped me throughout high school, and to prepare for college.

Image captures student seated at a table, both reading a book and working on her laptop computer;

College applications felt distant and unsettling. NYU CPA was my saving grace. They helped me step by step through this process while teaching me the tools to prosper and make the most out of college. 

During each [College Prep Academy/ 1199 Workforce] session (even virtually), the staff gave me a safe space to discuss anything on my mind, whether academic, future careers or even how I was feeling about something. This made me feel heard because I was able to voice my concerns and emotions and be supported and guided in return. I feel confident to stand in my own light and advocate for myself. They have not only helped me with my college applications but have also helped me find ways to react to different situations, stand my ground, and confidently voice my opinions. 

I remember one class that helped take me out of my shell, Performance Arts in which we would act out scenarios from authors such as Edgar Allen Poe and even compose our own Scripts. At first, I was timid and unsure of what to do but in this class, I felt comfortable enough to present, even act in front of my classmates. This experience has helped me in my presentations throughout school. 

Overall, the program has helped me flourish and become an independent young adult, ready to take on college and pursue a professional career in the field of health.


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