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Erin O'Connor has a doctorate in Human Development and Psychology from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is an Associate Professor and Program Leader for Early Childhood Education and Human Development at New York University. O'Connor’s research examines relationships with mothers and teachers and the impacts of these relationships on children's development. She also conducts randomized control trials of relationship-building interventions on the development of children from low-income families and neighborhoods. Her work is supported by grants from institutions including the Institute for Education Sciences. She is a member of the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and Society for Research in Child Development.

Elise Cappella is an Associate Professor of Applied Psychology at NYU Steinhardt, and Director of NYU’s Institute of Human Development and Social Change. She is co-PI of NYU’s Institute of Education Sciences Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Fellowship dedicated to training the next generation of education scientists. Dr. Cappella’s work focuses on understanding and promoting students’ mental health and academic achievement in low-income, urban school and afterschool settings. With support from federal and foundation grants, she uses efficacy trials, mixed method designs, and social network analysis to study teaching practices, peer relationships, and school contexts that influence development. Dr. Cappella received her doctorate in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley, and her bachelor’s in History from Yale University.

Sandee McClowry is a professor in Counseling and Teaching & Learning at New York University. Dr. McClowry received her doctorate in family nursing theory from the University of California, San Francisco. She has conducted multiple school-based research studies on children's temperament, family interactions, and classroom management. She is the developer of INSIGHTS into Children's Temperament and was the principal investigator of three clinical trials that tested its efficacy. Dr. McClowry has published extensively on her research in a variety of multidisciplinary journals, is the author of Temperament-Based Elementary Classroom Management and Your Child’s Unique Temperament. She is currently a co-principal investigator of the current IES funded study that is examining the long-term impact of INSIGHTS.

Meghan McCormick is a Research Associate at MDRC and a Co-PI on the INSIGHTS Follow-up Study. McCormick’s research uses experimental and quasi-experimental approaches to estimate the impacts of school- and center-based programs and policies on low-income children’s academic, behavioral, social, and emotional outcomes. McCormick received her PhD in applied psychology and quantitative methods from New York University in 2015, where she was an Institute of Education Sciences Predoctoral Fellow and a National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellow. In 2016, she was awarded the IES Outstanding Predoctoral Fellow Award for her early career research. McCormick holds an AB in public affairs from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School.

Hope White is a project coordinator on the NYU INSIGHTS Follow-Up Team and serves as the team's Data Manager. She holds a Bachelor of Science with Honors in Applied Psychology from New York University. During her time at NYU, she completed an honor's thesis examining the combined influence of parenting and pubertal timing on Disruptive Behavior Problems in adolescent girls under the mentorship of Dr. Shabnam Javdani. In 2016, Hope received the NYU President's Service Award for leadership in the Department of Applied Psychology, the John W. Withers Memorial Award, and was the inaugural recipient of the Mary Brabeck Scholarship.

Samantha Harding is a project coordinator for the INSIGHTS Follow-Up Study. She received her BS in Applied Psychology from New York University, where she completed her undergraduate honors thesis under the mentorship of Dr. Elise Cappella. In 2016, she was awarded the Outstanding Research Contribution Award by NYU’s Department of Applied Psychology for her research on the power of relationships in afterschool to shape the development of youth who face risk due to urban poverty. She is currently the lead project manager for participant recruitment, as well as a primary liaison among the INSIGHTS project families and schools.