IHDSC supports rigorous research and training across social, behavioral, educational, policy, and health sciences. Through collaborative research and targeted dissemination, IHDSC works to bridge the disconnect between the science of human development and policies and practices that affect children, youth, adults, and families in diverse contexts.
IHDSC cultivates an intellectual community focused on issues related to poverty and inequality, education and child development, health and wellbeing, and social policy in local, national, and global contexts. Faculty, students, and staff work together to create knowledge (research), transmit knowledge (education), and use knowledge to promote change (policy and practice).
Research projects at IHDSC are funded by a wide variety of sources, including federal, private foundation, and international sponsors. IHDSC also provides internal support for faculty and researchers through its Seed Award and Working Group programs. These IHDSC initiatives are aimed at jumpstarting new programs of interdisciplinary research; facilitating new collaborations among faculty from different disciplines, schools, and departments; and encouraging intellectual products and goals aligned with the IHDSC mission.
Areas of Focus
IHDSC hosts a range of initiatives aimed at catalyzing new programs of multidisciplinary research, linking people across divides to solve social problems, building intellectual community, and disseminating research evidence to policymakers, practitioners, and general audiences. (Photo by Hira Hassan)
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