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Institute of Education Sciences-funded Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training (IES-PIRT) program

Since 2008, NYU’s Institute of Education Sciences-funded Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training (IES-PIRT) program has trained the University’s highest caliber doctoral students in the Education Sciences with a substantive focus on “learning in context.” The program provides strong attention to methodological rigor through training in causal inference and a robust interdisciplinary perspective.

NYU's Institute of Human Development and Social Change (IHDSC), in association with faculty from multiple NYU programs and departments — Administration, Leadership and TechnologyApplied Psychology, Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities, Teaching and Learning (Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development); Psychology and Sociology (Faculty of Arts and Science); and the Wagner School of Public Service — train incoming and advanced doctoral students from diverse backgrounds to become outstanding researchers in the educational sciences.

Please note that NYU's IES-PIRT Program is no longer accepting new applications. 

Student in our longstanding training program pursue high quality, relevant education research in both academic and non-academic settings, and are mentored by dynamic and dedicated NYU faculty.

Fellows engage in training activities, apprenticeships, and partnerships, and receive the necessary knowledge, professional skills, and practical experiences to assist U.S. policymakers and practitioners with tackling our nation’s pressing education issues.

Proseminar Series

In addition to funding doctoral students from the seven affiliated departments across NYU the program includes a proseminar series. The series brings together presentations by both NYU and external experts who will help to introduce, reintroduce, and consolidate students' advanced understanding of the concepts of internal, external, construct, and statistical validity.

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IES-PIRT Affiliated Faculty

A wide and talented array of interdisciplinary faculty serve as IES-PIRT mentors and advisors.

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Fellow Profiles

Read about the background, expertise, and research interests of NYU's IES-PIRT fellows and alumni.

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Explore our list of talented and accomplished IES-PIRT alumni.

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James Kemple, Executive Director of the Research Alliance for New York City Schools, serves as Program Director and Elise Cappella, Vice Dean of Research and Professor of Applied Psychology, serves as Co-Director.

Many thanks to our partner organizations: MDRC(link is external), American Institutes for Research(link is external), and the New York City Department of Education(link is external).

The NYU IES-PIRT program is supported by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES)(link is external) in the US Department of Education. Visit the central PIRT website(link is external).