Research Cultivation, Proposal Development, and Communications
This team helps faculty and research affiliates identify funding opportunities, prepare and submit proposals, connect with collaborators and community-based partners, and develop their scholarship.
This team also manages all internal and external communications strategies related to the work of IHDSC and our affiliate network, including our website, On the Ground blog, Twitter, and email campaigns. They disseminate research and job opportunities, coordinate and advertise events, and share news through IHDSC's various channels, including the News and Updates page.
Grants Management and Research Administration
This team supports faculty and research affiliates in all aspects of administering funded grants including financial reporting and analysis, budgeting, effort planning, and ensuring compliance. This team also supports proposals as they transition into funded grants and helps faculty and research affiliates with establishing agreements with external partners. They provide guidance for navigating NYU systems and policies and offer support to troubleshoot challenges as they arise.
Payroll, Operations, and Procurement
This team supports faculty and research in executing grant-related operations including hiring and payroll activities, grant-related purchasing and procurement, invoice processing, and managing subawards and consultancies. This team also provides training and support to project coordinators on best practices in grants management.
Not Sure Where to Go?
If you're not sure who might be the best person to provide support or if you feel that your request might span across multiple teams, reach out to our general email address. The best person or people to help you will respond.
Email IHDSCAdvisory Board
Dr. J. Lawrence Aber, Willner Family Professor of Psychology and Public Policy, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development (chair)
Dr. Ingrid Gould Ellen, Paulette Goddard Professor of Urban Policy and Planning; Director for Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Dr. Jacob Faber, Associate Professor of Sociology and Public Service, Faculty of Arts and Science and Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Dr. Charlton McIlwain, Vice Provost for Faculty Engagement and Development; Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
Dr. Niyati Parekh, Associate Vice Provost of Faculty Initiatives; Professor of Public Health Nutrition, School of Global Public Health
Dr. Marjorie Rhodes, Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Science