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McCormick, M.P., Neuhaus, R., O’Connor, E.E., White, H.I., Horn, E.P., Harding, S., Cappella, E., & McClowry, S.G. (2021). Long-term effects of social-emotional learning on academic skills: Evidence from a randomized trial of INSIGHTS. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 5(3), 1-21. (link is external) McCormick, M. P, Neuhaus, R. N., Horn, E. P., O’Connor, E.E., White, H. I., Harding, S., Cappella, E., & McClowry, S.G. (2019). Social-emotional learning, special education referral, and grade retention from kindergarten through fifth grade: Long-term effects of early intervention on policy-relevant outcomes. AERA Open, 5(3), 1-21. doi: 10.1177/2332858419867290 McCormick, M., White, H., Horn, P., Lacks, R., O'Connor, E., Cappella, E., & McClowry, S. (2018). Instructional support and academic skills: Impacts of INSIGHTS in classrooms with shy children. Early Education and Development , 1-25. Collins, A., & O'Connor, E. E. (2016). Teacher-child relationships and child temperament in early achievement. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 6 (1), 173-194.(link is external) Cappella, E., O’Connor, E. E., McCormick, M. P., Turbeville, A., Collins, A., & McClowry, S. G. (2015). Classwide efficacy of INSIGHTS: Observed student behaviors and teacher practices in kindergarten and first grade. Elementary School Journal, 116 (2), 217-241.(link is external) McCormick, M. P., Cappella, E., O’Connor, E. E., & McClowry, S. G. (2015). Social-emotional learning and academic achievement: Using causal methods to explore classroom-level mechanisms. AERA Open, 1 (3), 1-26. doi: 10.1177/2332858415603959.(link is external) McCormick, M. P., Cappella, E., O’Connor, E. E., & McClowry, S. G. (2015). Context matters for social-emotional learning: Examining variation in program impact by dimensions of school climate. American Journal of Community Psychology , 56 (1-2), 101-119.(link is external) McCormick, M. P., O' Connor, E. E., Cappella, E., & McClowry, S. G. (2015). Getting a good start in school: Effects of INSIGHTS on children with high mainternance temperaments. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 30 (A), 128-139.(link is external) McCormick, M. P., Turbeville, A., Barnes, S. P., & McClowry, S. G. (2014). Challenging temperament, teacher-child relationships, and behavior problems in low-income children: A longitudinal examination. Early Education and Development, 25 (8), 1198-1218.(link is external) O’Connor, E. E., Cappella, E., McCormick, M. P., & McClowry, S. G. (2014). An examination of the efficacy of INSIGHTS in enhancing the academic and behavioral development of children in early grades. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106 (4), 1156-1169.(link is external) O’Connor, E. E., Cappella, E., McCormick, M. P., & McClowry, S. G. (2014). Enhancing the academic development of shy children: A test of the efficacy of INSIGHTS. School Psychology Review, 43 (3), 239-259. McClowry, S. G., Rodriguez, E. T., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Spellmann, M. E., Carlson, A., & Snow, D. L. (2013). Teacher/student interactions and classroom behavior: The role of student temperament and gender. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 27 (3), 283-301.(link is external) McCormick, M. P., Cappella, E., O’Connor, E. E., & McClowry, S. G. (2013). Parent involvement, classroom emotional support, and student behaviors: An ecological approach. The Elementary School Journal, 114 (2), 277-300.(link is external) McCormick, M. P., O’Connor, E. E., Cappella, E., & McClowry, S. G. (2013). Teacher-child relationships and academic achievement: A multilevel propensity score model approach. Journal of School Psychology, 51 (5), 611-624.(link is external) McClowry, S. G., & Collins, A. (2012). Temperament-based intervention: Reconceptualized from a response to intervention framework. In M. Zentner & R. L. Shiner (Eds.), Handbook of temperament (pp. 607-627). New York: Guilford Press.(link is external) O’Connor, E. E., Rodriguez, E. T., Cappella, E., Morris, J. G., Collins, A., & McClowry, S. G. (2012). Child disruptive behavior and parenting efficacy: A comparison of the effects of two models of INSIGHTS. Journal of Community Psychology , 40 (5), 555-572.(link is external) McClowry, S. G., Snow, D. L., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Rodriguez, E. T. (2010). Testing the efficacy of INSIGHTS on student disruptive behavior, classroom management, and student competence in inner city primary grades. School Mental Health, 2 (1), 23-35.(link is external) Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Briggs, R. D., McClowry, S. G., & Snow, D. L. (2009). Maternal control and sensitivity, child gender, and maternal education in relation to children's behavioral outcomes in African American families. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology , 30 (3), 321-331.(link is external) Foley, M., McClowry, S. G., & Castellanos, F. X. (2008). The relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and child temperament. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 29 (2), 157-169.(link is external) McClowry, S. G., Rodriguez, E. T. & Koslowitz, R. (2008). Temperament-based intervention: Re-examining goodness of fit. European Journal of Developmental Science, 2 (1-2), 120–135.(link is external) Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Briggs, R. D., McClowry, S. G., & Snow, D. L. (2008). Challenges to the study of African American parenting: Conceptualization, sampling, research approaches, measurement, and design. Parenting: Science and Practice , 8 (4), 319-358.(link is external) Yearwood, E. L., & McClowry, S. G. (2008). Home is for caring, school is for learning: Qualitative data from child graduates of INSIGHTS. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing , 21 (4), 238-245.(link is external) McClowry, S. G., Snow, D. L., & Tamis-LeMonda, C. S. (2005). An evaluation of the effects of INSIGHTS on the behavior of inner city primary school children. Journal of Primary Prevention, 26 (6), 567-584.(link is external) McClowry, S. G. (2002). The temperament profiles of school-age children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 17 (1), 3-10.(link is external) McClowry, S. G. (2002). Transforming temperament profile statistics into puppets and other visual media. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 17 (1), 11-17.(link is external)