The Institute of Human Development and Social Change (IHDSC) is pleased to announce a new research partnership with Dr. Anil Chacko, Department Chair and Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology, and the Inspired Community Project for research for their Family Advocacy Coaching & Support (FACS) program.
FACS is a five-module program designed to educate families so they have the knowledge and resources to support and advocate for their children throughout their education and beyond. They engage families that might be unfamiliar with the process of accessing services for their children and may not know where to get the help. The program partners with local play spaces, developmental pediatricians, and daycare centers to provide resources and information sessions about services available to them and how to access them within their community.
All materials are translated into multiple languages to ensure that language is not a barrier to gathering information. FACS also utilizes “peer-family mentors” of other Bronx families who have gone through the same process. In addition, they have partnered with local Bronx banks to provide no-cost financial support and counseling.
“The educational system, especially for families of children with complex needs in under-resourced communities, is challenging to navigate, resulting in educational needs that go unmet,” said Dr. Anil Chacko. “FACS offers an opportunity to directly support parents to be the best advocates for their children. We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the Inspired Community Project to begin a series of mixed-methods studies that evaluate and inform refinement of the FACS program. We are optimistic that this work will lead to the development of a scalable and sustainable model that can be utilized in communities across New York City.”
To learn more about FACS and FACS Research projects, visit the Family Advocacy Coaching & Support website.