Hello! Welcome to the Real Integration Hub. This is an archive documenting the movement towards meaningfully integrated public schools in NYC.
Nearly 70 years since the Brown v. Board decision, New York City schools remain one of the most segregated public school systems in the country. However, in the past 8 years, modest changes have been made to turn the tides of segregation for New York City schools.
In the wake of a new Mayoral administration who has chosen to reverse course on many admissions policies meant to increase access and diversity across New York City schools, NYU Metro Center has partnered with Territorial Empathy to create the Real Integration Hub. This interactive hub is meant to preserve and archive the tools, resources, and policies achieved in the fight for integrated schools over the past 8 years, but to also situate the work to integrate NYC schools, in the long battle for racial justice in New York City.
Administrations and leadership changes, as do priorities. Despite a retreat from the current administration on fighting for integrated schools, our commitment to uplifting the voices and priorities will remain. We are proud to share this work with the community and hope it continues to be a hub for the school integration community.