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Dr. Khalil G. Muhammad | Panel Moderator

Headshot of Dr. Khalil G. Muhammad

Dr. Khalil G. Muhammad

Khalil Gibran Muhammad is the Ford Foundation Professor of History, Race and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, where he directs the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability Project. He is co-host of the Pushkin podcast Some of My Best Friends Are, and the former Director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, a division of the New York Public Library and the world’s leading library and archive of global Black history. Khalil recently co-chaired a National Academies of Science consensus study, published last fall, “Reducing Racial Inequality in Crime and Justice,” and is the award winning author of The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime and the Making of Modern Urban America. He is a frequent contributor to documentary films, such as the Oscar nominated 13th, and an occasional writer for the New York Times, including The 1619 Project, among other media outlets. He serves on numerous boards, including the Vera Institute of Justice, The Museum of Modern Art, and the New York Historical Society. 

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