Do you want to learn more about how to build antiracist schools? Well, you've come to the right place! We've created and compiled resources about school racial climate and the steps you can take to promote more positive racial dynamics in schools.
On this website you will find:
- Videos with various stakeholders explaining different parts of school racial climate
- Blog posts from educators, parents, organizers, and academics about their experiences of school racial climate
- An assessment tool to examine your school’s racial climate
- Additional resources for those of you wanting to take a deeper dive
How Everyone Contributes to School Racial Climate
How Everyone Contributes to School Racial Climate. School Racial Climate is.....
Check out our videos on building an anti-racist school environment.Meet the Research Team
Meet the School Racial Climate Project research team.
How to Create an Antiracist School Videos
Learn from researchers and educators about school racial climate.
School Racial Climate Blog
Stories teach us about life, about ourselves and about others. We asked people in a very different roles — including parent advocates, researchers, school administrators, and community organizers — and from very different racial backgrounds to share their racial experiences in school.
Assess Your School’s Racial Climate
With this checklist, you can assess aspects of your school’s racial climate. Please check the appropriate boxes if the statement is true of your school. The more items you have checked off, the further along your school is towards creating a more inclusive school racial climate.
When I think about a positive school racial climate, I see a place where all students have equal access to qualified teachers from diverse backgrounds and access to technology and books depicting diverse individuals and stories. If a student excels in a certain area, then that student should be allowed to be in the AP class and if they struggle in other areas they should be given help in other areas.