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Search NYU Steinhardt

The Research Alliance collaborates with policymakers, educators, and scholars from diverse disciplines and a wide variety of institutions, including the NYC Public Schools, various universities, and youth-serving nonprofits. These relationships help ensure the relevance of our work and allow us to dedicate our resources to a more comprehensive body of high-quality research.

We look to collaborate on projects that align with our mission and core organizational principles, including:

  • High standards of scientific rigor
  • Relevance to the real needs of NYC students, schools and policymakers;
  • A commitment to independence and nonpartisanship;
  • A commitment to equity and diversity; and
  • A focus on New York City (or multi-city studies that include NYC).  


Alexandra Adair

The College Board

Brittany Fox-Williams

Lehman College & Graduate Center, CUNY

Chantal Hailey

University of Texas at Austin

Joscha Legewie

Harvard University

Luis A. Rodriguez

Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Richard O. Welsh

Vanderbilt University

Sean Corcoran

Vanderbilt University

Zitsi Mirakhur

University of Kentucky

Partner Organizations

  • American Institutes for Research
  • Boston College
  • Center for Racial Justice in Education
  • Center for the Success of English Learners
  • City University of New York
  • CSforAll
  • #DegreesNYC
  • Education Development Center
  • Engaging Schools
  • ExpandED Schools
  • Goddard Riverside Community Center
  • iMentor
  • Internationals Network for Public Schools


  • John Jay College
  • MakerState
  • MDRC
  • New York City Department of Education
  • ParentCorps
  • Schools That Can
  • Share Our Strength
  • Student Success Network
  • UCLA Center X Computer Science Equity Project
  • University of Connecticut
  • University of Florida Creative Technology Research Lab
  • Vanderbilt University